Ever since April 1, 1922 when our print forerunner, The Consumerist Bugle-Gazette, ran an April Fools’ Day cover story that unwittingly — but accurately — announced the death of exiled Austrian Emperor Charles I, we’ve not tempted fate and avoided such tomfoolery. But others aren’t burdened by these ghosts of Aprils gone awry. [More]
april fool’s day

Google Has Already Disabled Its “Mic Drop” April Fools’ Day Gmail Prank
There’s a difference between a dumb April Fools’ Day joke that isn’t funny or doesn’t trick anyone, and an April Fools’ Day joke that makes people angry and results in a $517 billion company having to apologize. [More]

Not A Joke: Krispy Kreme Offering Customers A Free Doughnut Today
While we’re used to companies trying to slip in an April Fools’ Day story and have it reported as real on this day every year, Krispy Kreme is taking another tack. See, it really is offering customers a free doughnut today, but the reason for doing so is still of the “Hardy har har, I see what you did there,” variety. [More]

The Dream Is Over: Scope Bacon Is Not Real
We all knew that this news was coming, but it’s still so very difficult to hear. Scope Bacon is not real. The campaign proved just plausible enough to get people talking, but wasn’t plausible enough to be a real Procter & Gamble product. [More]