
Just Where The Hell Did All The iPhones Go?

Just Where The Hell Did All The iPhones Go?

Here’s a problem: Apple says they’ve sold 3.7 million iPhones. AT&T says they’ve activated 2 million iPhones. Just where the hell are the rest of the iPhones?

Sometimes Apple Customer Service Ain't That Amazing

You know what, Apple has this titanium image like they have the awesomest customer service in the world, and sometimes you call and get the really great and quick ninja Apple Care reps, but sometimes when you call Apple Care you get what sounds like are the outsourced guys and they’re very stupid and not helpful and difficult to understand. There, I said it.

AT&T: We Only Support Windows And Internet Explorer, No Safari

AT&T: We Only Support Windows And Internet Explorer, No Safari

Reader Jen was having a hard time using AT&T’s website. She says, “It was very slow, I was asked to log in several times, the fonts unreadably small in places (and not just fine print, either).”

Are The New Apple Products Worth Buying?

Are The New Apple Products Worth Buying?

The dirty-sounding finance blog “Make Your Nut” works through the pros and cons of the latest Apple products, so that you can “make sure you enter into your purchases with eyes wide open.”

Netflix Lifts Restrictions On Downloadable Movie Rentals

Netflix Lifts Restrictions On Downloadable Movie Rentals

Netflix has removed the monthly limits on all but its lowest-cost plan in an apparent attempt to position itself more competitively against Apple, which is expected to announce a downloadable movie rental service tomorrow. Now for as little as $8.99 per month you can watch as many movies on your PC as you can download.


Woman sues Apple for not letting iPods play WMA files. [Cnet]


Sony has agreed to sell its songs DRM-free on the Amazon MP3 store, completing the set—now all four big record companies are on board. It’s amazing how a little iTunes competitiveness will bring a bunch of executives together.

QuickBooks' Latest Update Destroyed Mac Users' Desktops

QuickBooks' Latest Update Destroyed Mac Users' Desktops

Here’s one reason to use an online service to store financial data: no buggy updates to deal with.* Intuit’s December update for 2006 and 2007 versions of QuickBooks Pro on the Mac platform wiped the user’s Desktop folder and anything stored there. The company released a patch, but it didn’t work if you launched QuickBooks while connected to a wireless hotspot, oops. The latest patch, so far as we can tell, simply disables any further updates to the application—on January 3rd the company “began automatically feeding a patch to Mac QuickBooks users that permanently switches off the program’s upgrade mechanism to prevent a repetition of a data disaster.” In the meantime, since they can’t offer a way to fix the deleted Desktop folders, they’re offering rebates to users who buy a copy of the data recovery program Data Rescue II.

Canadians Wonder Why They Have To Pay More For AppleCare

Canadians Wonder Why They Have To Pay More For AppleCare

We all know that Canadians have to pay more for books, but why do they have to pay more for AppleCare?

5 Years, 6 iPods, and $1495 Later, You Just Want One That Works

5 Years, 6 iPods, and $1495 Later, You Just Want One That Works

Last week, Reader Andrew CC’d us on this email to Steve Jobs:

Shopdropped iPods Implore Buyers: "Reclaim Your Mind From The Media Shackles"

Shopdropped iPods Implore Buyers: "Reclaim Your Mind From The Media Shackles"

Joe Ellis arranged for Santa to deliver an iPod to his daughter for Christmas. Santa instead left an anti-capitalist rant. The iPod purchased from a Maryland Walmart contained a note written in ransom-letter caps reading:


The Apple Store For Education Makes Mistakes, Too

The Apple Store For Education Makes Mistakes, Too

Reader Patrick sends the above screen grab with the comforting email subject line: “No Worries– Can’t Spell Either.”


Apple has agreed to drop its lawsuit against Think Secret, a website that specializes in publishing in-house Apple rumors and leaks. In return, Think Secret has agreed to stop existing. However, this means the editor also gets to protect his sources. [Think Secret via Gizmodo]

Steve Jobs Rescues Your MacBook From Pittsburgh

Steve Jobs Rescues Your MacBook From Pittsburgh

My brother directed me to your site after I had a rather crappy time with the Apple Care people over the phone. Long story short, I sent my MacBook in to get fixed while I was at school in Pittsburgh and contacted them to have it redirected to my home in Canada once it was all done. Lo and behold, it got sent back to Pittsburgh even though I gave them plenty of information on how to contact me and strict instructions that it shouldn’t go back.

Intuit Planning To Launch "iPhone-Friendly" Version Of Quicken Online For $3/Month

Intuit Planning To Launch "iPhone-Friendly" Version Of Quicken Online For $3/Month

Would you pay $36 a year to access Quicken on your iPhone? What the hell, why not, right? You already paid for the iPhone! That’s probably what Intuit is hoping—and the zillion-dollar iPod accessories market proves there’s a lot of “blue ocean” for businesses that want to fish in Apple waters. It launches the product as a web service on January 8th, 2008, with an iPhone-friendly flavor also available then. There are plans to roll out “tweaked” versions for other mobile devices at an unspecified point in the future.

AT&T To GoPhone User: "You Don't Have A Contract With Us And We Don't Have To Provide Service"

AT&T To GoPhone User: "You Don't Have A Contract With Us And We Don't Have To Provide Service"

Reader Christian has an iPhone that is activated on a pre-paid GoPhone plan with AT&T. The EDGE service has stopped working properly for quite a few GoPhone-style iPhone users in California and Christian isn’t having much luck with AT&T’s customer service:

Apple, AT&T, Sued Over Visual Voicemail

Apple, AT&T, Sued Over Visual Voicemail

A firm called Klausner Technologies has just announced that they are suing both Apple and AT&T for patent infringement over the iPhone’s “visual voicemail” feature. Klausner Technologies has already sued VOIP provider Vonage and AOL/Time Warner for the same darn thing, and both companies chose to settle and license the technology from Klausner.

Oh No! iMac Screens Failing

Oh No! iMac Screens Failing

There seems to be a defect with the screens of certain iMacs, says MacNN. More and more users are reporting an issue where weird pink lines appear on the LCD and get progressively worse as time goes on.