
Turn Off In-App Purchasing On Your iPhone To Keep Your Kids From Smurfing You Into The Poor House

Turn Off In-App Purchasing On Your iPhone To Keep Your Kids From Smurfing You Into The Poor House

In the wake of that 8-year-old who racked up $1,400 in Smurfs Village purchases on her parents’ iPad, Apple recently instituted a policy that requires a user’s App Store password for making in-app purchases. But we’ve gotten some e-mails from parents who want to be able to share that password with their kids — for the purposes of downloading free content — while still preventing their children from amassing millions of useless Smurf berries. [More]

Time, Sports Illustrated & Fortune Offer Free iPad Access For New Subscribers

Time, Sports Illustrated & Fortune Offer Free iPad Access For New Subscribers

Most magazines are now available in digital formats, but very few offer simultaneous print and digital subscriptions for one price. Now a few of Time Inc.’s bigger print products have made a deal with Apple that would give some subscribers access to the iPad version of Time, Sports Illustrated and Fortune magazines for no extra cost. [More]

Looks Like The White iPhone Isn't Any Thicker Than The Black One

Looks Like The White iPhone Isn't Any Thicker Than The Black One

Since the white version of the Apple iPhone hit stores last week, the internet has been replete with stories that it is slightly thicker than its black predecessor. Since our test-happy cousins at Consumer Reports have equipment to measure the thicknesses, they decided to do so. [More]

Verizon To Warn iPhone Buyers: We're Watching You!

Verizon To Warn iPhone Buyers: We're Watching You!

After consumer uproar over the fact that Apple’s iPhones can record and store users’ locations, Verizon Wireless says it’s going to warn potential customers of such acts, via a handy little sticker. Neat. [More]

It's Finally Here: White iPhone Goes On Sale Tomorrow

It's Finally Here: White iPhone Goes On Sale Tomorrow

It’s been nearly a year since the white version of the iPhone 4 was originally supposed to go on sale. There have been numerous rumors of its impending availability, followed by news of further delays. But now Apple says that tomorrow it will finally be selling an iPhone that matches the signature white headphones. [More]

Amazon's Defense in Apple Lawsuit: Steve Jobs' Own Words

Amazon's Defense in Apple Lawsuit: Steve Jobs' Own Words

Should “apps store” really be “Apps Store®,” a trademarked phrase tied exclusive to Apple and its application store for its devices? Amazon didn’t seem to think so. But when it opened the Amazon Appstore for Android, the online retailer still got slapped with a lawsuit from Apple. [More]

What If Someone Told Edison About The iPhone?

What If Someone Told Edison About The iPhone?

What would have happened if someone from the future traveled back in time to tell Thomas Edison about the iPhone? What would he have done? This cute comic from reader Ken Fager explores the possibilities… [More]

Sen. Franken Demands Answers From Apple About iPhone Tracking

Sen. Franken Demands Answers From Apple About iPhone Tracking

Yesterday, it was revealed that Apple iPhones and 3G-enabled iPads have been, unbeknownst to their users, recording their locations with corresponding time stamps in a file named “consolidated.db.” This discovery did not please Al Franken, the U.S. Senator from Minnesota, who has fired off a letter to Apple bigwig Steve Jobs. [More]

Apple iPhone 5 Delayed To September Or Beyond?

Apple iPhone 5 Delayed To September Or Beyond?

You use to be able to count on Apple announcing new products like clockwork. New computers were shown in January while new iPods were in September, just in time for the holidays. And new iPhones? In June. Except this year, the new iPhone 5 will be unveiled in September. Maybe. [More]

Users Complain iPhone 4 Secretly Taking Their Photo

Users Complain iPhone 4 Secretly Taking Their Photo

Some iPhone 4 users are complaining that their devices are secretly taking photos of themselves. [More]

Apple Whisks Defective iPad Away, Leaving Me Without One

Apple Whisks Defective iPad Away, Leaving Me Without One

The problem with having the latest, shiniest, newest gadgets is that when something goes wrong and that shiny gadget sells out, there aren’t any others to exchange it for. That seems to be what happened to Nicholas, who bought an iPad 2 at Target, and shipped it off to Apple after had screen problems after only a few hours of use. [More]

Worst Company In America Sweet 16: Apple Vs. AT&T

Worst Company In America Sweet 16: Apple Vs. AT&T

Here it is, the final no-holds-barred death match of the WCIA Sweet 16! To finish off this round, we’ve got two companies that — until very recently — shared a death grip on the U.S. iPhone market. [More]

Apple Store Guard Shoots And Kills Robbery Suspect

Apple Store Guard Shoots And Kills Robbery Suspect

A suspect in a smash and grab robbery is dead after engaging in an estimated 40 shot gunfight with an armed private security store guard hired by Apple to protect its San Diego store, reports 10News and NBC San Diego. [More]

Meet Your Worst Company In America Sweet 16!

Meet Your Worst Company In America Sweet 16!

After eight days and 16 first round battles, the WCIA steel cage is littered with the bones of those companies not crappy enough to continue on in the tournament. But the thrill of victory is fleeting for the remaining combatants, all of whom must square off again if they hope of crowning themselves the Worst Company In America! [More]

Worst Company In America Round One: Apple Vs. Microsoft

Worst Company In America Round One: Apple Vs. Microsoft

For the final showdown of Round One, two eternal foes step into the octagon for a bloody battle to the death! [More]

Senators Call Out Makers Of Drunk-Driving Checkpoint Apps

Senators Call Out Makers Of Drunk-Driving Checkpoint Apps

After four senators requested that smartphone software vendors to stop selling apps that allow users to report and find drunk-driving checkpoints, the makers of those applications are defending themselves, saying they actually help police, and not drunkies out on the road. [More]

iPhone 4 Falls 1,000 Feet And Lives

iPhone 4 Falls 1,000 Feet And Lives

An iPhone 4 fell from of the pocket of a U.S. Air Force Jump Master when he was looking out the plane and plummeted 1,000 feet to the ground, and was completely unharmed, reports iLounge. [More]

Apple Sues Amazon For Using The Phrase "App Store"

Apple Sues Amazon For Using The Phrase "App Store"

Earlier this year we wrote about Microsoft’s bid to block Apple from trademarking the phrase “app store,” and now comes news that Apple has filed a lawsuit against for using those words. [More]