Josh tried to buy his girlfriend a “Go Big or Go Gnome” shirt from, but they sold out before they could ship the shirt. Leah from Glarkware emailed Josh and offered to either issue a refund, or send a different shirt. Josh picked out a different shirt, but come on, what could replace a “Go Big or Go Gnome” shirt? Right, nothing.

Big Man Hugs For LL Bean
We spew a lot of slags and jags here but every once in a while, we like to take a moment to praise an instance of particularly good customer service.

The Week in Product Recalls: Poisonings, Burns, Strangulations, Deadly Chickens
Hazard: “The recalled charms contain high levels of lead, posing a serious risk of lead poisoning and adverse health effects to young children.”

Converse Lets You Design Your Chuck Taylors, Just Like Big-Time Rap Stars!
If you’re possessed by an attraction towards nostalgic ankle-breakers, you may enjoy designing your own “Chuck Talyor” aka “Chucks” aka “Converse All-Star” shoes here.