We’re guessing that no one at Best Western is checking the hotel chain’s Facebook page today, as it’s full up with people angry that the company not only denied a room to a family with a service animal, but then waited a week to try to make good on its mistake. [More]
americans with disabilities act

Man Sues Minnesota McDonald’s For Not Allowing Him To Eat Inside With Service Dog
It’s against the law for companies to discriminate or refuse service to people with service animals. But a Minnesota McDonald’s allegedly violated those laws and now faces a federal lawsuit. [More]

Starbucks Employees: Don’t Say “You’re Not Blind!” To A Disabled Veteran With A Service Dog
People and dogs have been cooperating for thousands of years now. It’s our thing. In the modern world, it’s generally not okay to take your dog shopping, on a plane, or to Starbucks unless it’s a service dog trained to perform some kind of function other than being a fun pet. Not everyone knows this, which leads to some unfortunate situations…like the experience that a man had at a Houston Starbucks when he and his service dog were questioned at the door. [More]

Family Claims Museum Denied Their Daughter Entry Because Her Wheelchair Would Dirty The Carpets
A Savannah, Ga. maritime museum is busy apologizing after a family visiting from Charlotte claimed their 11-year-old daughter couldn’t come in because her wheelchair would “get the carpets dirty.” Instead, an employee reportedly told the family the girl could use one of museum’s wheelchairs, one that didn’t have the right straps to hold her. [More]

U.S. Government: You Can’t Kick Someone Out Of Your Restaurant Because They’re Scabby
If someone looks sort of icky, do you have the right to ask them to leave your restaurant? According to the United States Government, the answer is “no, not if they look icky because of a protected disability.” A Golden Corral restaurant in Michigan has learned that lesson the hard way, and throwing out a child with a genetic skin condition will cost them $60,000. [More]

Man Claims In Lawsuit That Six Flags Kicked Him Off Ride Because He Has No Hands
A man born without hands has had quite a full life — he went to college, got married, had kids, rides a bike and plenty of other things people with both hands do. For fun he enjoys riding roller coasters at Six Flags Over Texas, including the Aquaman Splashdown ride, but he says last May he was told to get off the boat because of his lack of hands. [More]

Restaurant Says ‘No Pets,’ Tries To Make Iraq Vet And Her Service Dog Leave
Melissa is a war veteran who has post-traumatic stress disorder and is able to function with the help of a service dog trained to help vets like her. She and her husband were recently strongly encouraged to leave a restaurant where they had dined with the dog before. No matter what kinds of documents or federal government websites she showed, the waitress, manager, and owner all insisted that the dog needed to leave…without actually telling the couple to get out of the establishment. [More]

Sorry, Your Seeing-Eye Dog Has To Ride In The Trunk
Legally, service animals are allowed in any place that their humans are: stores, restaurants, buses, and, yes, taxis. Yet a Colorado taxi driver has been suspended from work and fined by the state after refusing to let a blind woman bring her dog inside his taxi, claiming allergies. He demanded that the dog ride in the trunk. The woman, late for an appointment, acquiesced… then complained, taking her story to the media to publicize service animals’ rights. [More]

Government May Require Some Websites To Accommodate Deaf, Blind Users
Feds are considering expansions to the Americans with Disabilities Act that could lead to the online equivalent of sidewalk ramps and wide, arm rail-equipped toilet stalls. Law updates could require certain sites that offer goods and services to make changes that allow those with disabilities to use them. [More]
Circuit City Designates Handicapped Parking Spots "Web Order Pickup" Zone

Steak 'N Shake Manager Denies Drive-Thru Service To Deaf Mother
A Steak ‘N Shake manager refused to serve Karen Putz, a deaf mother of three, after she asked to place her order at the drive-thru window as allowed by the Americans with Disabilities Act. The manager claimed it was “policy” to force Karen to order like any other customer:
“You’ll have to drive around again so I can take your order through the speaker,” the guy said.

TGIFridays Apologizes For Refusing Service To Disabled Teen
The manager at T.G.I. Friday’s in Wheeling told the Arlington Heights family on Saturday that the restaurant couldn’t accommodate Dawn even after Greenberg showed him her Public Access card, which explains the Americans With Disabilities Act.

Deaf Redskins Fans Suing for Closed-Captioning
Not to be outdone by the blind, the deaf are suing the Washington Redskins alleging “the team is in violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act for failing to provide captioning during games” live at FedEx Field.