After a politically chaotic summer where their first attempt met a dramatic late-night demise, Republican members of the Senate are mounting one last effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Basically every major stakeholder in the country has announced its opposition to the new bill, but the Senate is racing to squeeze in a vote before a hard deadline at the end of the month just the same. [More]
american medical association

Doctors Call On Big Pharma To Advertise Retail Prices Of Prescription Drugs
Think of the last prescription you had filled: You probably know how much you had to pay the pharmacy, but do you have any idea of the full sticker price for that medication? With many drug prices soaring, the nation’s largest physicians organization has called on the pharmaceuticals industry to be more transparent about the sometimes huge price tags on their products. [More]

American Medical Association Calls To Ban Ads For Prescription Drugs, Medical Devices
In the future when you tune in to watch the big game or your favorite primetime show there might be something missing during the commercial break: ads for prescription drugs and medical devices. The American Medical Association proposed a ban on such advertisements Tuesday, claiming the marketing may be driving consumer demand for unnecessary and expensive treatments. [More]

Doctors Call For End To Fattening Farm Animals With Antibiotics
While the beef, pork and drug industry likes to claim there isn’t enough science to merit a ban on the medically unnecessary use of antibiotics in farm animal feed, the nation’s largest group of physicians doesn’t quite see it that way. [More]

AMA: Now Only 1 In 10 Insurance Claims Are Processed Improperly
Insurance companies are getting a bit better when it comes to processing claims, according to the American Medical Association’s newest report card. The country’s seven largest insurers are paying out the wrong amount to doctors and other providers only 9.5% of the time so far in 2012, compared to 19.3% in 2011 and 20% in 2010. [More]

AMA Attacks Photoshopping For Promoting Anorexia
Photoshopping is used in ads and on magazine covers to make models more “beautiful,” which often means “skinnier.” The American Medical Association says the practice needs to get reined in. “Exposure to media-propagated images of unrealistic body images” has been linked to “eating disorders and other child and adolescent health problems,” the group said in a press release. The group wants advertisers to adopt policies that would curtail altering photographs that lead to “models with body types only attainable with the help of photo editing software.” [More]

AMA: Health Insurers Still Making Errors On Nearly 20% Of Claims Processed
Last June, when the American Medical Association announced its finding that nearly one out of every five health insurance claims had been processed incorrectly, it had probably hoped it was giving the insurance biz a much needed kick in the pants. But one year and another AMA report card later, that statistic remains virtually unchanged. [More]