While the beef, pork and drug industry likes to claim there isn’t enough science to merit a ban on the medically unnecessary use of antibiotics in farm animal feed, the nation’s largest group of physicians doesn’t quite see it that way. [More]

AMA: Now Only 1 In 10 Insurance Claims Are Processed Improperly
Insurance companies are getting a bit better when it comes to processing claims, according to the American Medical Association’s newest report card. The country’s seven largest insurers are paying out the wrong amount to doctors and other providers only 9.5% of the time so far in 2012, compared to 19.3% in 2011 and 20% in 2010. [More]

1 Out Of 5 Medical Claims Processed Incorrectly, Says AMA
Maybe you’re reading this on your iPhone while sitting in your doctor’s waiting room. If so, look around you. Because one out of the five of you in the room will have your claim processed incorrectly by your insurance company. [More]

How Do Drug Companies Know What Your Doctor Is Prescribing?
The AMA sells information about what your doctor is prescribing says an op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle.