
Delta Go Videoblog Boom Boom

Delta Go Videoblog Boom Boom

The Show with Ze Frank has a riff on some crappy Delta customer service he experienced this weekend, with bonus live-action footage of the total stranger Delta put him with after enjoying a multi-hour flying debacle. [NSFW]

Man Wants Refund on Jet He Bought on EBay

Man Wants Refund on Jet He Bought on EBay

Ah, the thrills and chills of hearing the rumblings of the world’s next great superpower: Chinese Ebay.

To Build A Better Flying Sardine Can

To Build A Better Flying Sardine Can

One of the most hackle raising moments while traveling by plane is the mandible gnashing period while we stutter in the aisle waiting for our fellow passengers to stuff their oversized floral bags into the overhead bins.

Two Retarded Turtle Doves in a Pickle Tree

• Fourteen passengers arrested after moving from economy to first-class. The four hours on the blazing tarmac may have influenced their consumer disobedience.

Better Bidding for Hotel and Airfare

Better Bidding for Hotel and Airfare

A few days ago, we chatted about,an online forum for people to share bidding strategies on travel auction sites like Hotwire and Priceline.

HOWTO: Sue an Airline and Win

HOWTO: Sue an Airline and Win

Sometimes it’s just right to be right.

Flying Cheaper Than Driving

Flying Cheaper Than Driving

Oh to be a reporter, sporting a fedora at a jaunty slant (with that hat brim with which to stick our official reporter card in), glad-handing our sources, uncovering secrets at every turn… and getting paid to fly to Islip on an airplane and then drive back.

The Setting Sun of Delta, Ah! It Burns!

The Setting Sun of Delta, Ah! It Burns!

It’s not just cleaning the airplanes, now customer service appears to be on a volunteer basis as well. Dawn writes in a horrific tale of a flight from Dallas to Orlando that ended up taking over a day.

Continental’s Customer Service Plane Goes Boom

Continental’s Customer Service Plane Goes Boom

Thanks to Continental’s incompetence, Adam had to spend an entire night on the floor of the Newark airport.

Fly the Friendly Skies in a Coffin

Fly the Friendly Skies in a Coffin

Call it “Standing Tomb Only” airplane seating, a new cost-cutting measure proposes shuttling passengers across the sky strapped into coffin-sized spaces.

United Spins Delay as Boon

See, they really want you to savor the flight, you’ll enjoy it that much more.

SuperShuttle Not So Super, Maybe Duper

Sara writes in about a horrible experience she had last week with the Manhattan franchise of the airport van service, SuperShuttle. The driver arrived early and yelled at her for not being downstairs. He was surly with her and the other passengers. He frequently parked illegally and was given a ticket by the police.

Airport X-Rays Don’t Intercept Knives, Bombs, or Guns

Airport X-Rays Don’t Intercept Knives, Bombs, or Guns

Ever wonder why not?

Expedia Throws Its Voice

Expedia Throws Its Voice

Here’s an interesting phenomenon, Dave writes in about his experience buying a flight through Expeida.

JetBlu’s Planes No Longer Delayed, Just Red

JetBlu’s Planes No Longer Delayed, Just Red

Gawker Media’s Honorary-and-Most-Valuable-Unpaid-Employee, sent in this pic:

Overbooked Airlines Cut Their Nosecone to Spite Their Face

Overbooked Airlines Cut Their Nosecone to Spite Their Face