
Farecast Launches Nationwide Airfare Search

Farecast Launches Nationwide Airfare Search

Our favorite predictive airfare search engine just keeps getting better (being in Beta will do that for ya). Farecast today announced the addition of airfare search for all of America. You can now search for airfare for any airport in the nation.

Man Detained And Misses Flight For Speaking Tamil

A man missed his flight last Saturday after an airport worker overheard him speaking Tamil, a South Asian language, on his cell phone. The worker reported the “suspicious” behavior and airport security held the passenger was for questioning.

Like Two Planes Crashing In The Night

Like Two Planes Crashing In The Night

Southwest Knows When It Made BooBoo

Wanda flew Southwest Airlines to Pittsburgh to see a Mets game. The departing flight was delayed four and half hours and the return, a half hour.

How To Join The Mile High Without K-Y?

How To Join The Mile High Without K-Y?

Everyone with any sense knows that flying is dehydrating. Oh, sure, airlines and the TSA disagree, but a parched throat and dry, crackling skin is par for the course of most of our catapultings across the stratosphere.

Stroke? For Refund, Prove It

Stroke? For Refund, Prove It

Khanh’s mother had a stroke, preventing her from her from using an AmericaWest ticket for a Las Vegas vacation. He’s trying to help her get a refund but it experiencing one of those key locked in the safe conundrums. His travel agent tells him to call AmericaWest. The airline tells him to call his travel agent. What to do, he asks?

AirTran Would Rather Me Stinky

AirTran Would Rather Me Stinky

Nelle writes:

Manpower Problems Factor In Delta Crash?

Manpower Problems Factor In Delta Crash?

Several plot points in the crash of Comair Flight 5191 point to a staffing shortage at the regional airports that may contributed to the tragedy.

iPod in Toilet Leads To Emergency Landing

iPod in Toilet Leads To Emergency Landing

Under new security regulations, even fetid catassers are terrorists.

The Amazing Ryanair Raffle Ticket

We rarely do anecdotal stuff here, but I thought this was interesting enough to comment on.

Delta Crash Kills 49 People, Pilot Survives

Delta Crash Kills 49 People, Pilot Survives

A Delta aircraft crashed yesterday shortly after trying to take off from the wrong, shorter runway. Of the plane’s 50 occupants, only one, the pilot, lived.

Arabic “I am Not a Terrorist” Tshirt

Arabic “I am Not a Terrorist” Tshirt

Now you too can bother Midwesterners and airport security, just like Raed Jaer, with your very own “I am not a terrorist” tshirt.

JetBlue Makes Passenger Change “Offensive” Arabic Tshirt

JetBlue Makes Passenger Change “Offensive” Arabic Tshirt

Haha, them reactionary mobs, worried that increased security measures will infringe constitutional rights. Ha ha ha, read this, motherfuckers.

Farecast Adds 50 Cities!

Farecast Adds 50 Cities!

Bowing to the pressure of there being more to life than Frasier and Cheers, Our favorite predictive airfare search engine has expanded past only servicing Seattle and Boston. As of this morning, Farecast supports over 50 cities, including New York City, LA, Washington, Chicago and many more.

HOWTO: Blow Up Airplanes With Liquids

How feasible was it for terrorists to mix together a few common chemicals into a big sky kablooie? People far smarter than us investigate. (Thanks to Caitlin!)

Sierra Mist Ad Develops New Meaning Post 8/10

Jonathan Cowperthwait points us to a Sierra Mist commercial set in an airport security line. Our wild guesstimate is that it won’t be seen on TV anymore, strange prescience aside.

Silver Lining In JuiceyJuice Patdowns And Airport Delays

Silver Lining In JuiceyJuice Patdowns And Airport Delays

• But that’s a good thing because with the ban on onboard personal care products and cleansers, “The Great Unwashed” becomes a metaphor made flesh.

Terrorists! Apply Directly to the Forehead!

Terrorists! Apply Directly to the Forehead!

Sometimes an issue is too big for words, so then if a picture is worth a thousand of ’em, this image by reader Matt is worth like a million bucks.