
Phone Number For JetBlue's Main Baggage Office

Phone Number For JetBlue's Main Baggage Office

If JetBlue lost your luggage, here’s the number for their main baggage office: 866-538-5438

These Airplanes Are Really %&*!#! Crowded

These Airplanes Are Really %&*!#! Crowded

The major airlines are reporting the most crowded March ever, with more planes flying close to capacity than ever before. From USA Today:

As the big airlines have clawed their way out of the deep financial losses that followed terrorism and recession earlier in the decade, they’ve aggressively moved to fill every seat possible with a paying passenger. In March, spring break vacationers and bad weather jammed even more people than normal into planes.

Mice On A Plane: Search For Escaped Pet Mouse Grounds Flight For 4 Hours

Mice On A Plane: Search For Escaped Pet Mouse Grounds Flight For 4 Hours

A Vietnam Airlines flight was grounded for more than 4 hours while flight crews searched for an escaped pet mouse that had been spotted by a passenger. It is suspected to have been smuggled aboard by its owner, who has not been identified.The mouse was eventually found in the airplane’s food compartment.

Don't Fly Without A Copy Of Rule 240

Don't Fly Without A Copy Of Rule 240

If it’s the airline’s fault that your flight is delayed or canceled or you missed your connection, whip out a copy of their Rule 240.

JetBlue: When Your Canceled Flight Is Not Actually Canceled

JetBlue: When Your Canceled Flight Is Not Actually Canceled

JetBlue, JetBlue, JetBlue. When you cancel a flight, should you be allowed to uncancel it? If you do uncancel it, shouldn’t you tell your customers? Customers who may have left the airport when they saw that their flight was canceled? Grace Kim and her boyfriend had return tickets on JetBlue when their flight was canceled, forcing Kim to rebook on the next available flight 2 days later. When she heard JetBlue was offering vouchers to inconvenienced passengers she called and was told she qualified. Or did she?

FCC Upholds In-Flight Cellphone Ban

FCC Upholds In-Flight Cellphone Ban

Cellphones will stay banned from use during air travel, the FCC confirmed in an order released late Tuesday.

Ask The Consumerists: Can I Fly With No ID?

Ask The Consumerists: Can I Fly With No ID?

I have a friend that moved to NYC a little while ago from Iowa. She hadn’t switched to a NYS Photo ID yet, as she isn’t sure if this is going to be a permanent move, so she has been using her Iowa State Photo ID (non-Driver’s License, which is important as you’ll see) around town.

Everyone Loves Southwest Airlines, Hates United And US Airways

Everyone Loves Southwest Airlines, Hates United And US Airways

The new Airline Quality Rating is out and Southwest airlines received the fewest complaints of any airline in 2006. United and US Airways both tied for the highest number of complaints.

Cat Gets Secondary Screening At Airport

Cat Gets Secondary Screening At Airport

While picking up our bags from the x-ray in ATL on our way back from Florida, we saw this cat getting what appears to be a secondary screening. Ignoring signs forbidding picture-taking, we surreptitiously slipped the cellphone from our pocket and snatched the pussy.

VIDEO: Girl Kicked Off Continental For Excessive Coughing

While we appreciate the pilot’s concern for the other passengers, we still think he was overcautious.

Continental Ejects Passenger From Flight For Coughing

Continental Ejects Passenger From Flight For Coughing

Moments after Collier was seated, she began to cough uncontrollably — suffering from a cold she caught from some of her friends earlier in the week. After a few minutes, members of the flight staff asked the teen if she was OK. […] “A doctor onboard even did a brief physical, said she sounded clear, to give her some NyQuil and she’d be fine, but the pilot didn’t want to listen to that.” Instead, according to Collier, he stepped in and asked that she be taken off the flight.

The teen, part of a school group, was left behind. A teacher stayed behind too, to chaperone.

9 Times Travel Insurance Isn't A Ripoff

9. A hurricane forces you to evacuate your resort, hotel or cruise.

Kick Your Airline Complaint Up A Notch By CCing It To The DOT

Kick Your Airline Complaint Up A Notch By CCing It To The DOT

WSJ reports that sending a copy of your airline complaint to the Department of Transportation (DOT) can result in increased attention from the airline.

Air Travel Just Got More Expensive, Again

Air Travel Just Got More Expensive, Again

A $5 (each way) fare hike survived through the weekend with all five major carriers adopting it, according to USAToday:

Bankrupt Delta Air Lines was the first to raise fares last week on flights within the continental United States. The move was quickly matched by rivals.

Alaska Air's New Privacy Policy 'Changes Your Preferences'

Alaska Air's New Privacy Policy 'Changes Your Preferences'

Somehow, we find that difficult to believe. —MEGHANN MARCO

Exploding Batteries On A Plane: Recent In-Flight Fires Prompt Warnings About Loose Batteries

Exploding Batteries On A Plane: Recent In-Flight Fires Prompt Warnings About Loose Batteries

After one fire broke out in a overhead compartment on a JetBlue flight and another on an American Airlines aircraft flying from Argentina, the Department of Transportation has issued a warning to passengers traveling with loose batteries. The batteries in question are the type that power laptops, camcorders, and other “rechargeable” devices. If not stored properly the batteries can overheat and ignite.

Filthy United Airlines! Disgusting Garbage-Filled Airplane Is Not Cleaned Before Next Flight Departs

Filthy United Airlines! Disgusting Garbage-Filled Airplane Is Not Cleaned Before Next Flight Departs

How would you like to fly from Hawaii to Chicago in an airplane full of cigarette butts, candy, used tissues, pretzel bags, maxi-pad wrappers, crumbs, dirt, pens, balls of “goo”, and god knows what else just because United Airlines didn’t have “time” to clean the plane? We wouldn’t like it very much at all, and neither did Chris and his wife when they flew from Hawaii to Chicago last weekend.

FCC Won't Legalize Cellphones In-Flight After All

FCC Won't Legalize Cellphones In-Flight After All

Wave goodbye to your nightmares of hearing people jabbering on cellphones in flight!