Padding chip bags with air is a pretty well-understood practice by now–supposedly it helps prevent the chips from being crushed. But what’s the purpose of similar packaging tricks in frozen fish, or boxes of instant rice? After a recent Consumer Reports article questioned the amount of air in packages at the grocery store, New York Times reporter Andrew Adam Newman asked two of the manufacturers for an explanation. [More]

Need Your Apple Product Fixed? Try TechRestore Or iFixIt
I’ve always relied on TechRestore for cheap upgrades or repairs on any Apple products I’ve owned, but if you prefer DIY repairs, try the new iFixit website, which will sell you the parts and then provide detailed guides on what to do with them.

Sorry Chicago: O'Hare Airport Is Worst In The Nation, Midway Not Far Behind
If you flew out of O’Hare in December — we are so sorry. Only 55 percent of O’Hare flights departed on time. If you thought you were smart and chose to fly out of Midway instead — you were, but it was the second worst airport in the US, so don’t get too excited.

Apple Repair Center Doesn't Repair Your Laptop, But Does Replace Your Keyboard With German Layout
So when you take your Mac to get repaired and they have to send it to their repair center, politely request that a service technician with the ID 31514 at the “CTS, Apple Authorized Repair Center” in Houston, Texas does not fix your Mac.

Top 3 Most and Least "Fee Crazy" Airlines
Airline fees are a controversial topic these days, so we look a look at the fees that airlines were charging and picked the top 3 most and least “fee crazy” airlines. Avoiding fees is hard, so why not try to avoid the airlines that charge them instead?

AT&T To Blame For Memphis Air Traffic Control Snafu
AT&T manages the phone line that went out at a Memphis air traffic control center Tuesday, causing massive delays nationwide.