
Toys "R" Us Unable To Explain Why "All Video Games" Means "Some Video Games"

Toys "R" Us Unable To Explain Why "All Video Games" Means "Some Video Games"

Toys “R” Us is not doing a very good job of explaining why an ad advertising a special that applies to “ALL Video Games $19.99 or less” only applies to some video games that are “$19.99 or less.” Reader Laura says that not only are they unable to explain how “ALL” means “some,” they aren’t able to understand why she is upset.

Spirit: Now With Mind-Numbing In-Cabin Advertising

Spirit: Now With Mind-Numbing In-Cabin Advertising

Kick open the exit doors and release the inflatable slides, Spirit is outfitting their entire fleet with cabin-saturating ads. Billed as Spirit’s “latest innovation,” the ads will litter “seat backs, window shades, overhead bins, tray tables, drink carts, napkins, cups, menus (what menus?) boarding passes, trash bags, soap dispensers,” and probably even barf bags.


What sort of ad do you run next to a full-page PSA that says, “My sister accidentally killed herself”? Probably not this one. [FAIL Blog] (Thanks to theblackdog!)


Tonight’s premiere of “It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia” is about cannibalism and hunting men for sport. The unfortunately-placed McDonald’s commercial halfway through the show featured a guy swinging a bat at his friend because he smells food, and then everyone else at the party swarming over the fallen friend to feast. Awkward!

Microsoft Wants You To Know That They're Proud To Be "A PC"

Microsoft Wants You To Know That They're Proud To Be "A PC"

The next phase of Microsoft’s new advertising campaign launches today, and the company is taking some shots at Apple’s ubiquitous “I’m a Mac, I’m a PC” tv spots. The New York Times says that the new campaign will feature interesting, exciting people (like the dude in the shark cage above) embracing their “PCness.”

99 Cents Only Stores Raise Prices To 99.99¢, Narrowly Avoid Having To Buy New Signs

99 Cents Only Stores Raise Prices To 99.99¢, Narrowly Avoid Having To Buy New Signs

99 Cents Only, the L.A.-based chain of not-quite-a-dollar stores, has come up with a novel approach to the growing losses it faces as the economy worsens: they’re raising their top-priced items to 99.99 cents.


Google has announced that they’re shortening the duration that they keep personal data on users from 18 months to 9 months. Yay! “It’s no big deal—we’ve already got more personal info on you than we know how to monetize,” said a Google official in a totally fabricated (yet plausible) statement. [Reuters]

These Old Ads Remind You To Drug Children And The Elderly

These Old Ads Remind You To Drug Children And The Elderly

Sometimes gentleness is required of your toddler. Sometimes ill-tempered old folks get too agitated and threaten you with canes. That’s why sometimes the best solution is a good old fashioned thorazine pill, or a barbiturate elixir. Weirdomatic has a collection of bizarre ads like these from the past. Our favorite, aside from the drug ads, is the one showing Olympian speed skater Jack Shea taking a break from his skating to enjoy the rejuvenating effects of a Camel cigarette. So that’s how Phelps did it.

Verizon Junk Mail Advertises Phone Sex Hotline

Verizon Junk Mail Advertises Phone Sex Hotline

The phone number in this Verizon mailer connects to “an exciting new way to go live with hot horny girls.” Can you hear me now, big boy?

Get Ready For An Onslaught Of Food Advertising

Get Ready For An Onslaught Of Food Advertising

Foodmakers are planning to bombard you with advertising to keep you from ditching their carefully groomed brands for some blechy cheapo generics. Pay no attention as they try to re-brand their products as cheap and affordable. Here’s a small preview of what to expect…

New Lipitor Ads Mercifully Free Of Fake Doctors

New Lipitor Ads Mercifully Free Of Fake Doctors

Well, it seems that Pfizer is ready to move on from that embarrassing “Dr. Jarvik is not actually licensed to practice medicine” kerfuffle back in February. The company pulled its Lipitor spots after Congress became very interested in whether or not the ads were misleading the public into believing that Dr. Jarvik was qualified to offer medical advice — and that he was really rowing that boat. Now, theWall Street Journal has a tantalizing preview of the new “Dr. Jarvik Free” Lipitor ad. The spot features a regular person named John — a heart attack survivor who urges you to learn from his example and be more proactive about controlling your cholesterol (with Lipitor, damn it! Lipitor!).

Hey Banquet, Chicken Pot Pie Usually Comes With Filling

Hey Banquet, Chicken Pot Pie Usually Comes With Filling

Does anyone remember Bunnicula? We think there’s a similar beast in the Banquet pot pie plant, only instead of sucking vegetables dry he’s draining the pies before they ship. That’s the only thing that can explain how the real pot pie this Consumerist reader cooked looks nothing like the bountiful pot pie harvest shown on the box. Oh wait: it could also be that Banquet is a cheap-assed company that can’t be bothered to sell decent frozen food.

Duracell's New Ad: 'Oh No Your Kid Just Got Stolen!'

Duracell's New Ad: 'Oh No Your Kid Just Got Stolen!'

MSNBC’s Ads of the Weird blog is a little creeped out by Duracell’s new kidnapping commercial, and so are we. Making people feel bad about something is advertising’s job, we get that, but trying to scare parents into thinking their kid will be stolen from the playground by the classic man-in-a-van is going a little overboard. (Watch the commercial below.)

Facial Recognition Technology + Video Screens = Creepy Dunkin' Donuts Ads?

Facial Recognition Technology + Video Screens = Creepy Dunkin' Donuts Ads?

The Wall Street Journal says that Dunkin’ Donuts is experimenting with video screens that use facial recognition technology to figure out your age and gender. The screens then display ads targeted specifically to you.


NBC and General Mills are planning on launching a “Biggest Loser” line of food this fall. The idea of someone sitting at home watching that show while munching a “Biggest Loser” energy bar is deeply depressing. [Entertainment Marketing Letter]

FTC Listens To Your Complaints, (Mostly) Bans Telemarketer Robocalls

FTC Listens To Your Complaints, (Mostly) Bans Telemarketer Robocalls

After reviewing the more than 14,000 comments left by living human beings, the FTC yesterday amended its Telemarketing Sales Rule to ban most types of robotic telemarketing calls. By this December, any recorded calls will have to lead off with an automated opt-out option; by September 2009, telemarketers will need prior written permission to contact someone—simply being a recent customer won’t cut it.

Is Walmart Passing Out Fake Back-To-School Supply Lists?

Is Walmart Passing Out Fake Back-To-School Supply Lists?

Blogger Kelby Carr says that her local Walmart has totally fake but official looking back to school supply lists posted in their stores. The lists not only contain some extra supplies that are banned from the schools, but are actually missing some supplies. Here’s how she describes the lists:

Burger King Tray Liners In Germany Feature Cartoon Veggies With Boobs

Burger King Tray Liners In Germany Feature Cartoon Veggies With Boobs

Maybe Burger King in Germany isn’t the same sort of “kid centric” destination that it is over here? Idea Sandbox has made some um, interesting observations about their “Veg City” tray liners. This one is employs the “airport screening” metaphor to suggest that BK doesn’t let any shady veggies into their food.