EggFusion: Laser-Etched AdverFood

EggFusion: Laser-Etched AdverFood

A company named, somewhat predictably, ‘EggFusion,’ is promoting a technique to etch fresh eggs with text with a method that they hope will see adoption from both food suppliers and advertisers. EggFusion uses a laser to burn a layer of text in the egg shell itself, providing a light grey text on white eggs and lightened text on brown eggs. The laser penetrates about 5% of the shell surface, leaving the contents inside unharmed.

Movie Theater Ads “More than $50k per screen anually.”

Movie Theater Ads “More than $50k per screen anually.”

There’s not a ton of new information in Ars Technica’s Peek into movie theater economics, but Ken Fisher does manage to pull out a few bits that were new to us.

Virgin Mary, Veil of Latex

Quite the boner:

Cool, Innovative Advertising?

Cool, Innovative Advertising?

Sometimes, with a lurch, I realize that – every moment of the day – I am constantly surrounded by the insentient equivalent of dozens of plaid-suit and bear-grease hucksters, doing jumping jacks and breathlessly screaming for me to look at them. Wherever I go, they are there. Even weirder, I realize I’m so used to these obnoxious guys following me around all day that I don’t even notice when, for example, they scream at me to look at something so surreal or stupid its actually kind of awesome. Like a load of porridgy-eyed Dubliners omnibusing to work in the morning in a giant locomoting can of Heinz Baked Beans. Or a massive inflatable robot hovering from the corner of Tower Records in Boston, with his laser eyes ominously glowing.

Time To Make the Doughnuts…In Heaven

Time To Make the Doughnuts…In Heaven

Michael Vale, the Dunkin’ Donuts man, has passed away here in New York of complications from diabetes. In honor of his service in inciting us to snack, we will forgo any jokes about putting sprinkles on his ashes.

For That Ads: Kate Moss Back for Virgin Mobile

For That Ads: Kate Moss Back for Virgin Mobile

Lady Kate ‘Coco’ Moss is back on the spokesmodel tip, with this new spot for Virgin Mobile.