
Consumerist To Be On Nightline

Consumerist To Be On Nightline

Set your DVR’s for ABC’s Nightline, 11:35 pm ET on Friday, July 14th. The Consumerist will appear. Most likely, we’ll be perched on a leather armchair with pipe in jaw and a fake fire blazing in the background. We’ll be opining about consumerism and blogging, AOL call centers, maybe even roll an Oozinator clip. We think the producer said Vicki Mabrey will man the questioning. Vincent Ferrari slated to appear as well.

Sledgehammer to Heel, ABC Tries To Hobble Tivo

Sledgehammer to Heel, ABC Tries To Hobble Tivo

One of the best things about Tivo is the ad-skipping feature. ABC now wants to kill that and is holding meetings with DVR manufacturers to add a ‘feature’ to eliminate it all together. A feature to eliminate a feature? How zen.