Making your own footwear at home won’t have to include cardboard, duct tape and those slippers you refused to throw out soon enough: A top executive at Nike says he thinks customers will someday be able to 3D print their own customized sneakers at home (or in Nike stores, for those without 3D printers at home). [More]
3d printing

Amazon Imagines A Future Where Delivery Trucks Print 3D Products At The Curb
There can be a lot of worry over getting a package from Amazon delivered successfully — but what if your item never had to travel farther than the distance between the curb and your door? Amazon has filed a few patent applications in an effort to perhaps make curbside 3D printing a reality for the future. [More]

UPS Expanding 3D Printing Services To 100 Stores
Because not everyone has a professional 3D printer at home, but because everyone might have an interest in printing out say, a mug, a lamp, or even a bike, UPS says it’s adding 100 more stores to the list of locations that offer 3D printing. [More]

Amazon Launches Marketplace Selling 3D Products Printed On-Demand
Don’t have a 3D printer? Neither does anyone else, seeing as it’s one of those new technologies that hasn’t made the leap to being a product the average person can afford. In the meantime, Amazon has decided to fill that gap by launching an online marketplace offering customizable 3D printed products. [More]

Staples Now Testing In-Store 3D Printing
In an earlier, more simpler time when color printing was costly (and when people still printed things out), many consumers and small businesses used Staples and other office supply stores to fulfill their printing and copying needs. Can they do the same for 3D printing? Staples is willing to find out by dipping its toe into the 3D-printed waters with a pair of in-store tests. [More]

MakerBot Hopes You’ll Buy The Kids This Mini 3D Printer And Download Toys
When I was a kid and Disney’s Aladdin came out, I was extremely perturbed by the genie’s rule against wishing for more wishes, because it completely ruined the entire premise of the genie strategy that I had been working out since infancy. After much thought, I pivoted by deciding to wish for the means of producing whatever I wanted. This brings me to MakerBot’s new Replicator Mini. It’s basically a tiny toy factory, the object of my power-mad childhood dreams. [More]

Could 3D Printing Put An End To Tantrums Over Out-Of-Stock Happy Meal Toys?
If you’ve ever worked at a fast food restaurant that had some sort of popular toy giveaway for kids, you’ve likely seen more than your fair share of kids blow a gasket when the particular toy they desired was unavailable. Now folks at McDonald’s are wondering if 3D printing technology might be the solution. [More]