People who wear contact lenses face the same ritual, annually or however long they can stretch it out: They have to visit their optometrist or ophthalmologist to have their vision checked and their eyes examined before they can buy more lenses. A few startups are out to change this routine by giving users an eye exam on their computer or smartphone. But is that legal? It depends on where you live. [More]
1-800 contacts

Feds Accuse 1-800 Contacts Of Badvertising
The Federal Trade Commission filed a lawsuit today against 1-800 Contacts, accusing the online lens retailer of making agreements with more than a dozen competitors to not compete with each other for online search ads, resulting in lens buyers paying higher prices. [More]

Court Allows Utah To Ban Price-Fixing Of Contact Lenses
Contact lens companies have been working together to create price floors for their products, prohibiting retailers from offering competitive discounts and removing consumers’ ability to shop around for savings. Legislators in Utah recently passed a bill that would outlaw this practice but in May a federal appeals court temporarily blocked it from being enacted. But on Friday, the court vacated that injunction, allowing the new law to move forward. [More]

1-800-Contacts Comes Through For Your Eyes In An Emergency
1-800-Contacts is the rare company where an actual human picks up the phone when you call–no maze of phone menus. Peter tells Consumerist that he had a fantastic experience where a customer service rep went above and beyond in the service of the health of his eyes. [More]
Morning Deals
- Amazon: 37 new coupon codes for September 2008
- Google: Get Chrome for free, Google’s new super-minimal browser (still in beta, read review at Lifehacker)
- Apple: Seven refurbished Apple Aluminum iMac Core 2 Duo Desktops from $949 each + free shipping
Highlights From Dealhack
- Newegg: Nikon Coolpix P60 8.1MP Camera $150 Shipped
- Amazon: Save Extra $20 off Kellogg’s, Keebler & other Grocery Products
- 1-800 Contacts: Save $20 to $80 + Bonus $5 off Contact Lenses with Coupon
Highlights From Bargainist
- Toys “R” Us: BOGO 50% off all video games up to $19.99
- Proctor & Gamble: Free Tide TotalCare sample
- Sale: Up to 60% off
Highlights From Buxr
- Get three DVDs for $10 when you add all three to your Shopping Cart
- Golden Gadgets: 2 Pack of 9 LED Aluminum Pocket water resistant Flashlight for $3.99 + Shipping ($2.02)
- A-DATA 16GB Flash Drive WHITE for $24.99 after $15 rebate!
Above and Beyond: 1-800 CONTACTS Restores Vision, Faith in Customer Service
1-800 CONTACTS restored Kim’s vision, and her faith in customer service. Kim ordered four boxes of contacts, but received the wrong lenses, a fact she discovered when she tried them on and the world went fuzzy. “Way fuzzy. Like more more fuzzy than with no contacts at all.”
So I started comparing my old boxes to my new boxes and discovered that while the power of the lenses was correct, there was a plus sign (+) on the new boxes and a minus sign (-) on my old boxes. The order form had a plus on it so whoever fulfilled the order (probably a machine since the boxes are bar coded and we use a similar boxing system at my company) did their job properly. I came to the awful realization that I had filled the order form out wrong. It was all my fault and a fairly expensive $200 mistake.
Ouch. Kim made the mistake, so Kim should pay for new lenses, right?