Transportation & Infrastructure

Takata Confirms It Will Replace About 400,000 Previously “Fixed” Airbags

Takata Confirms It Will Replace About 400,000 Previously “Fixed” Airbags

Earlier this week Japanese auto part maker Takata announced it may have to call back some of the millions of airbags already replaced because they may still have a tendency to shoot shrapnel upon deployment. Today, the company released an estimated number of re-recalled airbags, to the tune of 400,000. [More]

Apple Recalls Beats Pill XL Speakers Due To Fire Hazard

Apple Recalls Beats Pill XL Speakers Due To Fire Hazard

When you spend a few hundred dollars on a portable speaker, you probably assume that you’re buying a quality piece of electronics that will sound nice and not overheat and catch fire when it’s not supposed to. That is not the case for the Beats Pill XL, a signature product for the headphone company, which is now part of Apple. [More]

June Recall Roundup: Melting Mason Jars And Phantom Ovens

June Recall Roundup: Melting Mason Jars And Phantom Ovens

In this month’s Recall Roundup for consumer goods, a laptop battery recall expands, mason jar night lights melt, and a friendly toy policeman is not as friendly as he initially appears to be. [More]

Ford Adds 500,000 More Vehicles To Its Takata Airbag Recall Lineup

Ford Adds 500,000 More Vehicles To Its Takata Airbag Recall Lineup

During the past week, automakers have scrambled to identify which of their models should be included in the recall of nearly 34 million vehicles equipped with Takata-produced airbags that can shoot pieces of shrapnel upon deployment. For Ford Motor Company the answer involves nearly 500,000 additional sports cars. [More]

Takata Plans To Stop Using Ammonium Nitrate, Phase Out Certain Airbag Inflators

Takata Plans To Stop Using Ammonium Nitrate, Phase Out Certain Airbag Inflators

A day before representatives from Japanese auto parts maker Takata are set to appear in front of the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee to discuss the more than 34 million defective airbags linked to six deaths and more than a hundred injuries, the company announced it would stop using an often volatile chemical in its safety devices moving forward and call back some airbags replaced during earlier recalls. [More]

Tesla Won’t Be Selling Cars Directly In Texas For At Least Another Two Years

Tesla Won’t Be Selling Cars Directly In Texas For At Least Another Two Years

Tesla won’t be conquering the Lone Star state anytime soon, as bills in front of the Texas legislature that would allow direct-to-consumer sales by the electric car maker likely won’t see the light of day until 2017, when the next regular legislative session begins. [More]

BMW, Honda & Fiat Chrysler Identify Some Additional Vehicles Affected By Expanded Takata Recall

BMW, Honda & Fiat Chrysler Identify Some Additional Vehicles Affected By Expanded Takata Recall

Automakers began identifying which of their models are affected by the recently expanded Takata airbag recall Thursday, with Fiat Chrysler, BMW and Honda adding hundreds of thousands of vehicles to their already overflowing roster of cars in need of replacement safety devices.  [More]


Uber Testing App Enhancements That Help Deaf And Hard Of Hearing Drivers

We’ve covered in the past Uber’s problems with the ride-hailing service’s disabled passengers, which range from ride snubs to service dogs forced to ride in the trunk. It’s worth keeping that in mind when you learn about Uber’s latest change to their driver app to accommodate a different community of people with disabilities: the service is testing changes to its system that make driving for the service possible for people who are deaf. [More]

Could Takata’s Replacement Airbags Be Just As Dangerous?

Could Takata’s Replacement Airbags Be Just As Dangerous?

Generally when consumers take their vehicles to a dealer for a recall remedy, they leave with the peace of mind that the potential safety issue has been fixed. That may not end up being the case for more than 34 million recently recalled vehicles equipped with Takata airbags, as the parts manufacturer, automakers and federal regulators struggle to determine why the safety devices have the tendency to spew pieces of shrapnel upon deployment. [More]

Ford Recalls Nearly 445K Vehicles For Power Steering Failure, Fuel Leak Issues

Ford Recalls Nearly 445K Vehicles For Power Steering Failure, Fuel Leak Issues

Ford Motor Company issued two new recalls Wednesday covering nearly 445,000 vehicles after receiving numerous complaint and incident reports, including at least four accidents related to loss of power steering and high underbody temperatures. [More]

GM Could Face Criminal Charges Over Ignition Defect That Killed More Than 100

GM Could Face Criminal Charges Over Ignition Defect That Killed More Than 100

General Motors might be able to wriggle out of class action fraud lawsuits over the long-ignored ignition defect in multiple vehicles that ultimately killed more than 100 people, but the company could still face criminal charges from federal prosecutors. [More]

NHTSA Once Again Flexes Regulatory Muscle Over GM, Manufacturers Who Used Takata

NHTSA Once Again Flexes Regulatory Muscle Over GM, Manufacturers Who Used Takata

Since taking the helm of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in January, Mark Rosekind has made his intention to hold automakers responsible for safety issues well known. This week, the agency continued tightening the reins by extending oversight requirements imposed on General Motors stemming from its ignition switch defect and invoking its legal authority to speed up the recall process related to millions of vehicles recalled for Takata airbag defects. [More]

Takata Beefing Up Replacement Airbag Production, Again

Takata Beefing Up Replacement Airbag Production, Again

Just as federal regulators caution that it could take years before the nearly 34 million recalled vehicles equipped with Takata airbags that can spew shrapnel upon deployment are replaced, the Japanese auto parts maker says it expects to speed up its output of replacement parts by year’s end. [More]

GM: That Car You Bought? We’re Really The Ones Who Own It.

GM: That Car You Bought? We’re Really The Ones Who Own It.

Congratulations! You just bought a new Chevy, GMC, or Cadillac. You really like driving it. And it’s purchased, not leased, and all paid off with no liens, so it’s all yours… isn’t it? Well, no, actually: according to GM, it’s still theirs. You just have a license to use it. [More]

I Am Rob

NHTSA Says It Could Take Days Or Weeks Before All Takata Recalled Vehicles Are Identified

Japanese auto parts maker Takata finally buckled under pressure from federal regulators Tuesday, declaring that nearly 33.8 million vehicles sold in the United State come equipped with airbags that can spew pieces of shrapnel upon deployment. While about 17 million of those vehicles had already been part of recalls by major automakers, millions of others have yet to be identified, leaving consumers wondering if they’re driving around with what some people have likened to an explosive device in their steering wheel. [More]

34 Million Takata Airbags Declared Defective, More Recalls To Come

34 Million Takata Airbags Declared Defective, More Recalls To Come

After months of resisting federal regulators’ push for a national recall of vehicles containing defective Takata-produced airbags that could spew shrapnel when deployed, the Japanese auto parts maker announced today that it has declared an estimated 34 million vehicles defective because of the potentially deadly safety devices. The declaration is the first step in what will likely be the county’s largest recall of a consumer product. [More]

(Russ Swift)

NHTSA Investigating Nissan Vehicle Issue That Can Result In Blown Tires, Brake Failure

Suffering a tire blowout while driving down the highway is never a welcome experience, but imagine if you found out that the tire blew, not because of debris on the roadway, but as a result of a manufacturing defect with your vehicle? It’s for that reason more than 130,000 Nissan Versa vehicles are now under investigation by federal regulators. [More]


NHTSA Probing Fiat Chrysler’s Response To At Least 20 Safety Recalls, Schedules July 2 Public Hearing

Federal regulators are once again expressing their displeasure with Fiat Chrysler’s slow-moving response to fixing millions of Jeeps that can explode following low-speed rear-end collisions. Today, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced it plans to take the car manufacturer to task not only for its leisurely pace on the Jeep recalls, but for nearly 20 other safety recalls. [More]