Retail Services

Verizon Specifies How You're Allowed To Link To Its Site

Verizon Specifies How You're Allowed To Link To Its Site

Harry Maugans discovered that Verizon thinks it can stipulate how you link to their website.

Morning Deals

Woot: Lite-On DVD Recorder/VCR Combo for $89.99

Walmart's "Great Value" Brand Pizza Could Use Some More Cheese

Walmart's "Great Value" Brand Pizza Could Use Some More Cheese

We just found this picture in our inbox with no explanation attached. Why did Shane take a picture of his Walmart pizza and send it to us?

Bank Of America Gets Verfication Data Wrong, Locks Customer's Account, Hangs Up On Him, Several Times

Bank Of America Gets Verfication Data Wrong, Locks Customer's Account, Hangs Up On Him, Several Times

According to this reader complaint, to amass the personal information Bank of America uses to “verify your identity,” they employ a company that that trolls public records for your data. They look for things like employer, student loans held, what hotel you stayed in last year, etc.

Morning Deals

Doubletree: Two free tree seedlings

Top Geek Squad Stories To Date

Top Geek Squad Stories To Date

“Geek Squad agents scour your computer for those porn pics you and your girlfriend(s) took, and load it onto their thumb drives. Even the ones you thought you deleted.”

We're Always Looking For Porn On Customer's Computers, Techies Confirm

We're Always Looking For Porn On Customer's Computers, Techies Confirm

Looking through comments both here and on Digg, it seems that finding and saving customer’s porn from their laptops is one of the perks of the job, and it’s hardly limited to the Geek Squad.

Secret Geek Squad Training Video

A former Geek Squad employee, racked with guilt over how he steals porn from customer’s computers all the time, gave us this video on his death bed. “Take this,” he gasped with one outstretched arm, “tell them the truth…” Then the guilt virus reached his heart and he was dead.

The 10 Page Geek Squad Confession – "Stealing Customers' Nudie Pics Was An Easter Egg Hunt"

This is the ultimate Geek Squad insider confession. It’s 10 pages long.

Morning Deals

Woot: Compaq Athlon 64 3800+ Media Center PC for $359.99

Save With Tmobile Employee Friends And Family Discount Program

Save With Tmobile Employee Friends And Family Discount Program

Like Sprint, Tmobile also has an employee referral discount program. You can get savings on new plans and service cellphones by going to or calling 1-866-646-4688 and mentioning promo code 4450TMOFAN.

Sprint Employee Referral Deal Open To Everyone

Sprint Employee Referral Deal Open To Everyone

My Money Blog details his experience with jumping in on the SERO (Sprint Employee Referral Offer) plan, which can you a good deal on a new cellphone and plan. Overall, it sounds positive and he got hooked up with free data transfer.

Chase Puts Your Sensitive Documents On The Sidewalk

However, we never get an establishing shot of the trashcan, so it’s not totally clear whether they are actually discovering these bags on the sidewalk. After all, they are janitors and thus have access to the trash cans inside the bank, and being a union, they probably have an axe to grind (like applying pressure on Chase for higher wages and benefits for custodial staff).

Home Depot Considers Middlesex New Jersey To Be Invalid

Home Depot Considers Middlesex New Jersey To Be Invalid

For some reason, and we’re sure someone will figure it out but we’re not going to waste our morning, the Home Depot Tool Rental Search does not recognize Middlesex, NJ as a valid zip code. This irritated our reader enough that he wrote several letters to Home Depot, in a vain attempt to find a location in New Jersey that rented tools. Read his letters and Home Depot’s replies inside.

Morning Deals

Tiger Direct: Kanguru 32GB FlashBlu Max USB Flash Drive for $999

Helio Call Centers Staffed By Retards

Helio Call Centers Staffed By Retards

Helio is an exciting new cellphone company! We heard about them some months ago when they just got started and were launching 2-page spreads in major magazines and taking out ads on prominent websites, except then they decided to only pay for the magazine ads and told the websites to go screw themselves. This general air of assclowns spinning asshats on sticks at the asscircus trickles down all the way to their call centers, which, based on reader Dave’s complaint, has their head totally up their ass. Which must hurt because it’s also got a spinning asshat on it (on a stick, no less) but we digress.

The Politics of Retail: How Money Spent on Consumer Goods And Services Ends Up As Campaign Contributions

The Politics of Retail: How Money Spent on Consumer Goods And Services Ends Up As Campaign Contributions

When you buy a light bulb at Home Depot or a pair of pants at Walmart, you probably don’t give much thought to the political leanings of said light bulb or said pants. Nevertheless, retail outlets, airlines, electronics manufactures, and record company executives do make campaign contributions, and when they do, we can look it up.

7 Overdrafts Refunded After Reader Writes Bank of America CEO

7 Overdrafts Refunded After Reader Writes Bank of America CEO

Yet another reader confirms that if Bank of America is hitting you with overdraft fee after overdraft fee, you can get them waived by writing a complaint letter to CEO Kenneth D. Lewis.