Quality & Safety

Recall Roundup: Extra Scary Edition

Recall Roundup: Extra Scary Edition

It’s Halloween, and what’s scarier than exploding DVD player batteries and killer flatware? Or dairy lurking in an innocent-looking tortilla? What about a zombie ATV that accelerates on its own?

First Results Of Gov Study Of Chinese Drywall Inconclusive, But More Tests To Come

First Results Of Gov Study Of Chinese Drywall Inconclusive, But More Tests To Come

Yesterday the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) announced some findings from its study of the problematic Chinese drywall, which 1,900 Florida homeowners have complained stinks and makes people sick. The commission told the Associated Press that “no connections have been made yet,” but that they’re doing more tests—which means there’s still no definitive answer on who should be held financially responsible if the homes have to be gutted and repaired, which the Wall Street Journal says could cost as much as $25 billion dollars.

Memo Reveals Tragic Details Of Stuck Pedal Lexus Crash (Pics)

Memo Reveals Tragic Details Of Stuck Pedal Lexus Crash (Pics)

Tragic details are revealed in NHTSA memo about the Lexus that crashed at almost 100 MPH after the gas pedal became stuck on the floormat, leading to the immolation and death of the four family-members inside, and Toyota’s 3.8 million vehicle recall.

FDA: Um, Please Do Not Buy Stupid #$@% Like "Swine Flu Shampoo"

FDA: Um, Please Do Not Buy Stupid #$@% Like "Swine Flu Shampoo"

The FDA is calling on consumers not to fall for unapproved bogus “swine flu” or “H1N1” products that claim to offer a cure or other health benefits. There’s even a “swine flu shampoo” that claims to protect against the virus. Awesome.

Consumer Reporter Keeps Buying Things That Catch Fire

Consumer Reporter Keeps Buying Things That Catch Fire

The Handy Switch, pitched in infomercials by the zombie late Billy Mays, is theoretically a cool product. It’s a wireless light switch that you can install and plug in anywhere. It would be very useful were it not for its unfortunate tendency to burst into flames.

Blair Recalls More Flammable Clothing After Yet Another Fire

Blair Recalls More Flammable Clothing After Yet Another Fire

“Consumers Urged to Stop Use of Flammable Wearing Apparel,” says the warning on the Consumer Product Safety Commission Web site. You would think so, wouldn’t you? But Blair, the catalog where your grandmother probably gets all of her clothes, has expanded their recall of chenille sleepwear after nine deaths and another reported chenille fire.

Deadly, Defective Stuff Recalled

Deadly, Defective Stuff Recalled

Here’s the latest roundup of consumer products recalled because they might hurt or kill you!

FAA Continues To Investigate American Airlines, May Charge Individual Mechanics

FAA Continues To Investigate American Airlines, May Charge Individual Mechanics

The FAA has been investigating American Airlines for a while now over allegations that it wasn’t repairing its planes properly, and yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported that the agency may widen its investigation, and even bring charges against individual employees who signed off on substandard repairs.

Tiny Turtles Spread Joy, Salmonella

Tiny Turtles Spread Joy, Salmonella

Turtles remain a popular pet with kids. In 1975 the U.S. banned the sale of ones smaller than 4 inches, but the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) estimates almost 2 million were being kept as pets as of 2006. They’re also responsible for one of the slowest outbreaks of salmonella we’ve seen in recent years.

Testing Stuck Accelerator Survival Strategies

Testing Stuck Accelerator Survival Strategies

The recent recall of millions of Toyotas due to their floor mats’ unfortunate tendency to trap the cars’ accelerators, a flaw which has caused at least one confirmed horrific fatal accident, has caused people to wonder: if this happened to me, what would I do? Equipped with several different makes of cars and a test track, our colleagues at Consumer Reports Cars decided to play Mythbusters and put different stuck-accelerator survival strategies to the test.

4.5 Million Flammable Fords Recalled

4.5 Million Flammable Fords Recalled

Ford and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) have announced a recall of 4.5 million vehicles spanning back to 1992. A mixup in the manufacture resulted in the “self-immolation” button being labeled “cruise control.” In all seriousness, though, a vehicle fire could occur on these models, so be sure to check this out.

Air Compressor Company Re-Recalls 700,000 Products After Continuing To Receive Injury Complaints

Air Compressor Company Re-Recalls 700,000 Products After Continuing To Receive Injury Complaints

In 2006, DeVilbiss recalled nearly 700,000 pressure washers and air compressors to replace the pneumatic tires, which were sometimes bursting on models that used plastic rims. Apparently not enough consumers responded then, because the complaints keep rolling in, so they’ve announced a do-over.

The 10 Riskiest Foods That Aren't Meat Or Poultry

The 10 Riskiest Foods That Aren't Meat Or Poultry

This list of the 10 riskiest foods might surprise you at first, because there’s no mention of any sort of meat or poultry. But that’s because it’s from the FDA, which doesn’t regulate those two food categories. When it comes to produce, dairy, eggs and seafood, here’s what to watch out for, listed in order from most outbreaks to least.

Toyota: 911 Call Of Family's Fatal Lexus Crash Due To Gas Pedal Stuck On Floormats

Toyota: 911 Call Of Family's Fatal Lexus Crash Due To Gas Pedal Stuck On Floormats

Warning: This audio is graphic and shocking. Before Toyota could be bothered to recall 3.8 million Toyota and Lexus cars that they had known for two years had a problem, an off-duty state trooper and three members of his family had to die in fatal car crash when the gas pedal got stuck on the floormat. This is the recording of their 911 call moments before they crashed into the end of the freeway at 120 mph.

Non-Recalled Toyotas Could Still Have Dangerous Floor Mats

Non-Recalled Toyotas Could Still Have Dangerous Floor Mats

Just because your specific Toyota wasn’t among the 3.8 million recalled last week doesn’t mean you’re safe.

11 Things Banned By Walmart

11 Things Banned By Walmart

From a practical standpoint — our Walmart overlords decided what we can and can’t have. MentalFloss has put together a list of 11 things they did not approve of — or were forced to remove because others did not approve.

Why E. Coli Still Makes Its Way Into Your Meat Supply

Why E. Coli Still Makes Its Way Into Your Meat Supply

Before you bite into that juicy hamburger, you might want to better understand how the meat industry creates, tests (or doesn’t test), then distributes ground beef. A detailed investigation by Michael Moss at the New York Times proves eating it is “still a gamble. Neither the system meant to make the meat safe, nor the meat itself, is what consumers have been led to believe.”

Parental Control Software Co. Sells What Kids Say On The Internet

Parental Control Software Co. Sells What Kids Say On The Internet

If you’re a company like Echometrix that sells parental control software, you’re sitting on a whole bunch of data about what teens and children say and do on the Internet. What to do with that information? Use it to make your software better? Well, of course. But why not sell aggregate data to marketers, too?