Pharma Medicine

Don't Buy Your Crack With Monopoly Money

Don't Buy Your Crack With Monopoly Money

If there’s one thing every crack dealer hates, it’s being paid in Monopoly money. A 33-year-old man in Wichita, KS, was pulled over by officers last week and found bleeding from the head. He told police he’d just been tricked by his angry crack dealer into coming over to his house, whereupon the dealer pistol whipped his face. According to the police report, the victim told them that “a couple of weeks ago he bought several hundred dollars of crack-cocaine with Monopoly money and now the dealer was ready for pay back.” [More]

The $1,110.00 Six-Pack Of O'Douls

The $1,110.00 Six-Pack Of O'Douls

“It appears that non-alcoholic beer is a delicacy in Florida,” writes Aaron, who spotted this $1,100.00 six-pack of O’Douls in a Walgreens down there. [More]

Is An FDA Conflict Of Interest Keeping Avandia On The Market?

Is An FDA Conflict Of Interest Keeping Avandia On The Market?

A new report from the Senate Finance Committee alleges that drug company GlaxoSmithKline not only knew about a possible link between their diabetes medication Avandia and heart attacks, but also acted to keep the FDA from pulling the drug off shelves. If so, how were they able to do it? [More]

Walgreens Opens Wide, Swallows Up Duane Reade

Walgreens Opens Wide, Swallows Up Duane Reade

Anyone who’s lived in — or even visited — New York City is familiar with Duane Reade Pharmacies, the only business that competes with Starbuck in terms of retail space in the five boroughs. And, as a New Yorker, I know it’s a love-hate relationship with the local chain. But the era of a Duane Reade on every corner in Manhattan may be coming to an end with the announcement this morning that Illinois-based drugstore giant Walgreens is in the process of buying Duane Reade out. [More]

Counterfeit Alli Won't Cause Runs, Might Raise Blood Pressure

Counterfeit Alli Won't Cause Runs, Might Raise Blood Pressure

The Food and Drug Administration has warned shoppers to be on the lookout for counterfeit versions of the weight-loss drug Alli. The real version of Alli contains orlistat, a drug with side effects that include “an urgent need to defecate,” as those with delicate sensibilities like to put it. The fakes are made with sibutramine, a controlled substance that has been linked to high blood pressure in some studies. [More]

Walgreens Wants To Sell You Food Now

Walgreens Wants To Sell You Food Now

Walgreens told Bloomberg News that the company is looking into selling fresh food and prepared meals–things like salads, cut fruits, and sandwiches. From RetailWire: [More]

FDA Is Mad: Funky, Smelly, Barfy Tylenol Has Been A Problem Since 2008

FDA Is Mad: Funky, Smelly, Barfy Tylenol Has Been A Problem Since 2008

The FDA is @#$%# pissed off at McNeil, the company that makes smelly, barfy Tylenol and other products, because apparently this problem has been going on since 2008. [More]

Tylenol Recall Now Includes A Bunch Of Other Products

Tylenol Recall Now Includes A Bunch Of Other Products

Some batches of a certain type of Tylenol had an unusual moldy, musty, or mildew-like odor that is associated with non-serious nausea, stomach pain, vomiting, or diarrhea. The smell is apparently from a chemical that was on the wood pallets the pills were stored on. Originally, the recall was just for one type of Tylenol. Now there is a big ass list, which includes some types of Motrin, Rolaids and St. Joseph brand products. [More]

Tyson Chicken Settles Class-Action Suit, Will Pay $4.4 Million To Consumers

Tyson Chicken Settles Class-Action Suit, Will Pay $4.4 Million To Consumers

If you bought Tyson chicken from 2007 to 2009, you may want to start keeping tabs on the new settlement being considered by Tyson to settle the class-action suit against it. The agreement was filed earlier this week, and a review is scheduled for tomorrow. If approved, approximately $4.4 million will supposedly be available to disburse to consumers. [More]

Girl "Grows Back Face" After Pain Relief Pill Made It Turn Black And Fall Off

Girl "Grows Back Face" After Pain Relief Pill Made It Turn Black And Fall Off

19-year old Eva Uhlin has regrown her face, chest, arms, back and stomach. A rare reaction to a couple pills of pain reliever acetaminophen, the main ingredient in Tylenol, caused her to develop Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, and large parts of her skin turned black and fell off. [More]

Printer Ink Costs More Than GHB

Printer Ink Costs More Than GHB

Dang, what doesn’t printer ink cost more than? If you answered “Thailand cobra venom,” you are correct! [More]

DNA And Fingerprints Collected From 1982 Tylenol Poisoning Suspect

DNA And Fingerprints Collected From 1982 Tylenol Poisoning Suspect

The 1982 Tylenol poisoning murders, the chief reason why the tamper-proof packages of modern over-the-counter medications must be broken into with, at minimum, a chainsaw, are being investigated again in light of new tips and new forensic techniques. Well, that only took 28 years. [More]

"Moldy Smelling" Tylenol Recalled

"Moldy Smelling" Tylenol Recalled

All TYLENOL® Arthritis Pain Caplet 100 count bottles with the distinctive red EZ-OPEN caps have been recalled after consumer complaints of “an unusual moldy, musty, or mildew-like odor that was associated with nausea, stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea.” [More]

Sonic Manager Arrested For Cooking Meth At Work

Sonic Manager Arrested For Cooking Meth At Work

Last week, police arrested a shift manager at a Sonic in Cape Girardeau, MO–it’s about halfway between St. Louis and Memphis, TN–after they found him with a big pile of meth supplies in the restaurant. According to Slashfood, he’d come back after the place was closed and tripped the burglar alarm. When police showed up at 1:57 AM they found the man in his Sonic uniform “allegedly attempting to whip up a batch of meth.” [More]

Maybe It Just Needs A Little Love

Maybe It Just Needs A Little Love

We’ve kept quiet about the rampant commercialization of classic holiday programming, in part because we kinda like our plush Bumble, and in part because, well, what’s more commercial in the first place than a made-for-TV holiday cartoon? But we have to draw the line with this little item we found in a local CVS. Haven’t these people listened to Linus? Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about? [More]

Should Rob Complain About His Bad Kroger Pharmacy Experience?

Should Rob Complain About His Bad Kroger Pharmacy Experience?

Rob’s local Kroger pharmacy screwed up the prescription on his kid’s TamiFlu. Rob caught the error before any harm was done, and he’s not the confrontational type. In fact, he’s wondering whether he should just drop the whole matter. Here’s your chance to convince him otherwise. [More]

CVS Challenges You To Explain Their Reverse Sale

CVS Challenges You To Explain Their Reverse Sale

Reader Kyle took this photo of a “discount” at CVS. [More]

CVS, Walgreens Drop Tamiflu Prices After AG Sends Nasty Letter

CVS, Walgreens Drop Tamiflu Prices After AG Sends Nasty Letter

Are CVS and Walgreens price gouging on liquid Tamiflu? The attorney general of Connecticut’s office says the AG, Richard Blumenthal, has “received information suggesting that some pharmacies have charged substantially increased out-of-pocket prices for Tamiflu, in some cases as high as $130 or more. He has also heard that some retailers may be purchasing capsules of higher-dosage Tamiflu from distributors and remarketing it as liquid-form lower dosages at greatly inflated prices.” [More]