Government Policy

Consumerist Prevents You From Getting Mugged?

Consumerist Prevents You From Getting Mugged?

Reader Geoff was at a gas station with his girlfriend when a shady looking dude approached them and started asking for money so he could pay someone to unlock his car and free the 11 month-old kid whom he’d locked inside… in a dark corner of the next parking lot over. Hm. Was he telling the truth? Geoff writes:

Dear Consumerist,

Avandia Stays On The Market

Since the study was published, Consumer Reports has come out in favor of older drugs:

Diabetes drugs received wide attention last spring when research found a possible link between rosiglitazone (Avandia) and a higher risk of heart attacks. While those risks remain unclear, the CR Best Buy Drug report cites other reasons that rosiglitazone and the related drug pioglitazone (Actos) are not wise first choices for most people with diabetes, including their higher risk of heart failure compared with other diabetes drugs.

Consumer Reports that patients should first ask their doctors about metformin (Glucophage and generic), claiming that the effectiveness of the older drugs are equivalent to the newer ones, but with less potential risk.

Wireless Consumers Both Win and Lose With New FCC Rules

Wireless Consumers Both Win and Lose With New FCC Rules

You win some, you lose some. Google’s bid to created an open wireless network was only partially sucessful today as the FCC rejected some of the search giant’s conditions, but adopted others.

Girl Whose Photo Was Stolen And Used For Porn DVD Sues

Girl Whose Photo Was Stolen And Used For Porn DVD Sues

Remember Lara, whose self-portrait was stolen from deviantART and used as the cover of a porn DVD? Yeah, she’s suing the shady pornographers.

T-Mobile And The FCC Tell You To Reply To Txt Msg Spammers

T-Mobile And The FCC Tell You To Reply To Txt Msg Spammers

Crissy received some txt message spam on her cellphone and was understandably annoyed because incoming txt messages are not included in her package with T-Mobile.

Candy From Denmark Not As Filthy As Previously Reported

Candy From Denmark Not As Filthy As Previously Reported

Remember when we said exports from countries not named China were also tainted and filthy? It turns out the exports aren’t as tainted and filthy as the New York Times originally reported. The Times explains that a “methodology problem was discovered” after the Danish Embassy complained that their candy was refused by FDA inspectors only 82 times, not 520, as the Times claimed. From the Gray Lady:

When the data was re-analyzed, it showed that the number of candy shipments rejected from Denmark had not been higher than the number of seafood shipments rejected from China, as the article stated. The number of shipments rejected from China was also misstated; it was 331, not 391.

Starbucks Sued Over Spilled Tea

Starbucks Sued Over Spilled Tea

A New Jersey man is suing Starbucks after sustaining 3rd degree burns from hot tea that he claims was improperly “lidded.” The man’s lawyer says, “when he went to pick up the cup, the top wasn’t on correctly. The top came off.

The Chinese Poison Train Is Impervious To Lawsuits

The Chinese Poison Train Is Impervious To Lawsuits

Don’t try to sue the Chinese Poison Train. It won’t work. American victims of tainted Chinese products have found it nearly impossible to litigate against companies based in China. There are roadblocks at every step in the process: Americans can only sue Chinese companies that do business in the U.S.; phantom companies that exist only on paper refuse to hand over key documents; and, even if a consumer can win a default judgment, no treaty compels China to respect rulings from U.S. courts. From the Washington Post:

US Gov To Compile And Share Database Of Flier Personal Information

US Gov To Compile And Share Database Of Flier Personal Information

According to the Washington Post, the United States and the European Union have agreed to compile and share a database of information on consumers who travel on aircrafts between the two continents.

Best Buy To Sue Geeks Who Spoke Out Against Porn Stealing?

Word on the street is that following negative stories in the LA Daily News, and the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Best Buy interrogated employees at the Santa Clarita store where former Geek Squad agent and Consumerist reader Brett Haddock used to work, and could be gearing up, or at least, wants people to think it’s gearing up, to seek damages against Geeks who spoke out about the porn pilfering.

Sara Lee Bread Recalled, Full Of Small Pieces Of Metal

Sara Lee Bread Recalled, Full Of Small Pieces Of Metal

Several loaves of bread manufactured by Sara Lee are being recalled because they are potentially full of small pieces of metal.

How To Identify Botulism Symptoms

How To Identify Botulism Symptoms

Botulism is an incredibly serious food-borne illness, and the Castleberry’s recall means we should remind ourselves of the symptoms. According to WebMD they are:

Cans Infected With Botulism Are Exploding!

Cans Infected With Botulism Are Exploding!

Remember the botulism recall? The infected cans are now exploding, according to the FDA.


Crystal-decorated pacifiers (aspiration, ingestion), Toro electric blowers (projectiles).

9th Circuit Court Says Companies Can't Change Contract Terms Simply By Posting Changes On A Website

Parties to a contract have no obligation to check the terms on a periodic basis to learn whether they have been changed by the other side. Indeed, a party can’t unilaterally change the terms of a contract; it must obtain the other party’s consent before doing so….

Meet The New Powerhouse In Organic Foods: China!

Meet The New Powerhouse In Organic Foods: China!

That certified organic edamame you bought from the local supermarket may have been made and packaged in China. The exporting juggernaut is quickly and quietly muscling in on the thriving global trade in certified organic products. Organic exports from China are certified by private companies and carry the official USDA organic logo. The logo, however, does not guarantee that products are truly organic:

Mission: Find Castleberry's Products Recalled For Botulism Still On Shelves

Mission: Find Castleberry's Products Recalled For Botulism Still On Shelves

Two days ago, Castleberry’s expanded the list of chilis and pet foods they were recalling due to possible botulism contamination. By now should have been enough time for retailers to comply, so let’s help them out.

Airports On High Alert After TSA Seizes Block Cheese

Logan security remains high as terror concerns are raised [Boston Globe] (Thanks to Dork Esquire!)