Government Policy

H&R Block Lures College Students With $10 In "Pizza Cash"

H&R Block Lures College Students With $10 In "Pizza Cash"

Kevin sent in this ad for H&R Block trying to market to college kids by giving them $10 in “pizza cash” if you file through H&R Block. This sounds tasty, except that due to their low income, most college kids won’t have to pay any taxes and it’s pretty easy to do with FreeFile through the website, for free, natch. But file through H&R Block and you’ll probably be paying at least $60. So, you could buy yourself $10 of pizza, or pay $50+ for H&R Block pizza. They still teach math in college, right?

CPSC Wants To Make Retailers Test Products They Sell

CPSC Wants To Make Retailers Test Products They Sell

If pending legislation passes, the CPSC may make retailers test their wares, and make retailers legally responsible for the products they sell. CPSC chair Nancy Nord said yesterday at a press conference, “the ultimate responsibility at the end of the day to make sure that their products are safe and if they do not, we will take enforcement activity at the product sellers.”


Oh, by the way, KamberEdelson, the law firm that filed the class action against Sears over its website exposing customer’s purchase histories? They’re the same folks who successfully sued Sony BMG for selling all those DRM-riddled music CDs. Sears could be in trouble. [Washington Post]

Do Presidential Candidates Care About Consumer Issues?

Do Presidential Candidates Care About Consumer Issues?

Most Presidential candidates could not care less about consumer protection, but several have taken a stand on one of the sexier consumer issues: toy safety. Let’s break down where they stand.

Sears Sued For Showing Everything Your Friends And Neighbors Have Ever Bought

Sears Sued For Showing Everything Your Friends And Neighbors Have Ever Bought

Reuters reports a class-action lawsuit has been filed against Sears for its site which allowed you to type in anyone’s name and address or phone number and get a record of everything they ever bought at Sears. The suit alleges that in doing so, Sears engaged in “unfair or deceptive” practices. Not too long after our post went up on Friday reporting on the matter, the purchase history feature was turned off. Sears said it had “turned off the ability to view a customer’s purchase history on Manage My Home until we can implement a validation process that will restrict access by unauthorized third parties.” Yes, a validation process, that would be good to have.

Walgreens Implements "Scanner Price Guarantee" (But Only In California)

Walgreens Implements "Scanner Price Guarantee" (But Only In California)

For the next three years beginning this February, California Walgreens shoppers will enjoy a “Scanner Price Guarantee” that rewards customers who are overcharged at the register and bring it immediately to a cashier’s attention.

Walmart Is Still Selling Recalled Lead-Tainted Bibs

Walmart Is Still Selling Recalled Lead-Tainted Bibs

Walmart is still selling lead-tainted Baby Connection bibs that were recalled last May. Reader Jeff made the discovery after his wife accidentally purchased two packs of recalled bibs for their 4-month-old daughter while vacationing in the Poconos.

Best Buy Employees Busted For Switching Items Inside Boxes

Best Buy Employees Busted For Switching Items Inside Boxes

For those of you who were wondering why you recently bought an empty box from Best Buy, look no further for your answer. Three Best Buy employees from a Bridgewater, NJ store were busted for removing items from their boxes and placing them inside the boxes of less expensive items, which they would then buy.

Death By Overbooking?

Death By Overbooking?

Here’s an interesting lawsuit. The widow of an Air France passenger is suing that airline, claiming that their decision to bump her husband “caused him to miss a life-saving dialysis treatment at home.” The lawsuit charges Air France with breach of contract, negligence and wrongful death.

Tarmac Stranding Lawsuit Against American Airlines Seeks Class Action Status

Tarmac Stranding Lawsuit Against American Airlines Seeks Class Action Status

If we had an award for most pissed-off consumer ever, it might go to Kate Hanni. After being stranded on the tarmac by American Airlines in 2006, she started a group called “The Coalition For An Airline Passengers’ Bill Of Rights,” which, since we first reported on it, has grown from a blogspot blog to a full blown lobbying group that has a tipline and issues press releases.


Today California sued the EPA over its refusal to let states enact their own greenhouse-gas laws. “Fifteen states plan to intervene on California’s behalf, including 13 of those that have either adopted or are in the process of adopting the rules. Delaware and Illinois, which have not passed the standards, also are part of the lawsuit.” [New York Times]

Video Professor Stops Suing People For Having Opinions It Doesn't Like

Video Professor Stops Suing People For Having Opinions It Doesn't Like

The Consumer Law & Policy Blog reports:

Colorado infomercial company Video Professor this week dismissed its lawsuit against 100 anonymous defendants who had posted critical comments about its products and billing practices online. Earlier this month, the company withdrew subpoenas that had sought the identity of anonymous posters on the website

Yay. The bums will always lose, Lebowski. Get a job, sir. Stop pestering people on the internet.

Thieves Steal 42" Plasma TV From Mall During Shopping Hours

Thieves Steal 42" Plasma TV From Mall During Shopping Hours

Those post-holiday TV sales just aren’t enough for some people, because somehow, a 42″ plasma set used for display in a retail store in Albany, Georgia, was stolen from the counter during business hours.

Last Chance To Donate Money In 2007

Last Chance To Donate Money In 2007

Today represents your final opportunity to donate money to charity for tax year 2007! CharityNavigator has some tips for holiday giving, and of course, you’ll want to brush up on the tax implications of your generosity.

No More Loose Non-Rechargable Lithium Batteries In Checked Luggage

No More Loose Non-Rechargable Lithium Batteries In Checked Luggage

The TSA has announced a ban on loose non-rechargeable lithium batteries in checked luggage, because they’ve realized that “fire-protection systems in the cargo hold of passenger planes can’t put out fires sparked in lithium batteries.”

FDA Warning: Chinese "Health Supplements" Contain Undeclared Sildenafil

FDA Warning: Chinese "Health Supplements" Contain Undeclared Sildenafil

Today the FDA announced that a group of Chinese “health supplements” from Puerto Rican-based Shangai Distributor, Inc., contain undeclared sildenafil, the active drug in Viagra, and are therefore illegal. The supplements are named Super Shangai, Shangai Ultra, Shangai Ultra X, Lady Shangai, and (perhaps the best name of the product line) Strong Testis. Shangai Regular, also known as Shangai Chaojimengnan, was found to have “an unapproved substance with a structure similar to sildenafil that may cause similar side effects and drug interactions,” and is therefore also included on the warning list.

Starbucks Settles Lawsuit After Employee Spills Hot Coffee On A Baby

Starbucks Settles Lawsuit After Employee Spills Hot Coffee On A Baby

Ethan Thorn was an infant when his parents brought him into a Starbucks in Somerville’s Davis Square in April, 2006. According to the lawsuit, a store employee serving a cup of coffee to Ethan’s father accidentally spilled coffee on the baby’s legs and groin, causing second-degree burns. The baby was in his father’s arms at the time.

New Era Green Beans Recalled For Botulism

New Era Green Beans Recalled For Botulism

Large institutional-sized cans of green beans have been recalled for botulism, says the FDA.