Government Policy

Universal Music Group: Throwing Away Promotional CDs Is An "Unauthorized Distribution"

Universal Music Group: Throwing Away Promotional CDs Is An "Unauthorized Distribution"

All promotional CDs are forever the property of Universal Music Group and giving or throwing them away are “unauthorized distributions,” according to a brief filed by UMG. In a lawsuit filed in federal court, UMG claims that ownership rights to promotional CDs, typically sent to DJs, reviewers, and others in the music business to generate hype for new releases, are expressly retained by the label. The Electronic Frontier Foundation is taking up the fight against this absurd position in UMG v. Augusto.

Corruption: Mystery Shoppers Expose Refund Anticipation Loan Abuse

Corruption: Mystery Shoppers Expose Refund Anticipation Loan Abuse

As an educated consumer you may wonder why people would choose to use a Refund Anticipation Loan when they can e-file and receive their refund in only a few days.

Leukemia Survivor Who Had Identity Stolen By Lab Tech Tells His Story

Leukemia Survivor Who Had Identity Stolen By Lab Tech Tells His Story

We wrote about Eric Drew a few weeks ago—his personal information was stolen by a shady lab technician while he was undergoing treatment in 2004.

Your Credit Card Information Is Worth About 40 Cents

Your Credit Card Information Is Worth About 40 Cents

You may think that your credit card and banking information is worth a lot of money to potential crooks. If you do, you’re wrong. There’s so much stolen personal information out there and banks are getting so good at cutting off compromised credit cards quickly that it’s driving the price down.

Tax Cat: Help! I Owe The IRS Money And I Don't Have Any!

Tax Cat: Help! I Owe The IRS Money And I Don't Have Any!

The IRS knows you owe them money and they realize that you may not actually have any to give them. Don’t worry, they’re not going to come in the night and steal all your Nerf footballs and catnip.


Man (and Comcast employee) gets laptop and XBOX back after unleashing mobs of vigilante internetters on the thieves. [Philly Daily News] (Thanks, Markus!)

Pre-Emption Doctrine Would Make FDA Responsible For All Drug Problems, Shield Big Pharma From Lawsuits

Pre-Emption Doctrine Would Make FDA Responsible For All Drug Problems, Shield Big Pharma From Lawsuits

Johnson & Johnson is waiting to hear whether or not a judge in Ohio will allow any lawsuits over its Ortho birth control patch to move forward, and the New York Times says lawyers on both sides think there’s a good chance he may find in the company’s favor based on the doctrine of pre-emption. The argument goes that it’s the FDA’s responsibility to monitor the safety and labeling of drugs that go to market, and therefore if something goes wrong, it’s the agency’s fault and not the pharmaceutical company’s.

Old Wal-Mart Man Attacks Older Wal-Mart Man With Pricegun

Old Wal-Mart Man Attacks Older Wal-Mart Man With Pricegun

A 70-year old Wal-Mart worker beat a 81-year-old fellow employee with a pricegun inside a Florida Wal-Mart.

Dennis O’Brien and John Esposito began arguing Sunday and O’Brien swung at Esposito with the tool in his right hand. Authorities say Esposito suffered a swollen left eye and cuts on his nose and mouth. Esposito said both he and O’Brien worked at Wal-Mart. He would not discuss the nature of their argument. The report says O’Brien told a sheriff’s deputy he acted in self-defense, but security tape showed O’Brien raising his hand first, striking Esposito in the face and then pushing him to the ground. Officials booked O’Brien into the Palm Beach County Jail on aggravated battery charges.

Since they were both employees it couldn’t have been about a receipt check, so I’m really at a loss as to what they could be arguing over.

Drugs In The Water No Big Deal, Says NYC Official

Drugs In The Water No Big Deal, Says NYC Official

In regards to a headline grabbing AP investigation that found the drinking water of major cities contained trace amounts of an array of pharmacopoeia, the deputy commissioner of New York City’s Department of Environmental Protection, “A person would have to drink one million glasses of water to get the dose of even one over-the-counter ibuprofen tablet or the caffeine in one cup of coffee…Even at eight glasses of water per day, this would take the average person over 300 years to consume.” So for those of you hoping to replace your medicine cabinet just by draining the Brita, sorry Charlie. However, there are no studies on the long-term effects to human of small exposure to a vast array of drugs, although, the Times notes, they have been shown to cause mutations in fish.

Google's Street View Is All Up In Your Driveway Looking At Your Basketball Hoop

Google's Street View Is All Up In Your Driveway Looking At Your Basketball Hoop

The couple, Aaron and Catherine Boring, have succeeded in getting the photos yanked from the site, but the industrious minds over at the Smoking Gun found another even more intrusive set of photos taken by the search giant.

H&R Block Says It Does Not Refuse Tax Returns For Same-Sex Civil Unions

H&R Block Says It Does Not Refuse Tax Returns For Same-Sex Civil Unions

H&R Block recently got into trouble because when a Connecticut same-sex couple tried to file their taxes through H&R Block’s website, the system spat back, “”We don’t support Connecticut Civil Union returns.” One of our readers wrote H&R Block about our post and their VP of Marketing actually wrote back to him to describe what she felt was media sensationalization of the story. She says that the problem happens because the Federal government doesn’t recognize same-sex civil unions. The information for state tax returns gets inputted based on the federal, so in this specific case, it’s not “flowing” correctly. It sounds like they’re working on fixing that, though. Here’s her email in full:

Arbitration Mill Sued By San Francisco

A San Francisco attorney has sued the National Arbitration Forum for being biased towards credit companies and ignoring consumer rights. [More]

Avoid An IRS Audit

Avoid An IRS Audit

How can you avoid an IRS audit? There’s a .58% chance if you make 20-50k that you’ll be audited by the IRS, but that still adds up to 259,794 unlucky people. Here’s some strategies on how you can avoid becoming one of them:

Apple's MagSafe Adapters Still Fraying, Melting, Sucking

Apple's MagSafe Adapters Still Fraying, Melting, Sucking

Apple’s perpetually melting and fraying MagSafe adapters—apparently these things are made out of Styrofoam and rice paper—continue to cause trouble.

Lawsuits Claim Insurers Are Choking Social Security With Unnecessary Disability Applications

Lawsuits Claim Insurers Are Choking Social Security With Unnecessary Disability Applications

Two whistleblower lawsuits have been filed recently against insurers, faulting them for requiring unnecessary and repeated disability applications with Social Security before they’ll pay out any benefits. One person says her disability insurer, the Unum Group—which was only paying her $50 a month for a temporary injury she was almost certain to recover from—called her 10 times to ask her about her Social Security disability application. The woman told the New York Times “she did not need or want money from Social Security, and did not think she was entitled to it. Her doctors had told her she would recover, and Social Security is limited to people whose disabilities are total and permanent.”


The Starbucks barista tip sharing lawsuit has spread to New York. [NYT]

What to Do If You Can't File Your Taxes on Time

What to Do If You Can't File Your Taxes on Time

File Form 4868 (download a copy from or your tax prep program will provide one), and use last year’s return to estimate what you owe or let your tax software do it for you. It’s better to overestimate and get a refund later; if you’re under by more than 10%, you’ll owe interest of 7% on the amount you underpaid by, plus a penalty of up to 25% of the underpayment.

Don't Believe That Guy Who Works At Lowe's Who Can "Get Everything 1/2 Off"

Don't Believe That Guy Who Works At Lowe's Who Can "Get Everything 1/2 Off"

Here’s the story of a guy who had to learn the hard way that “your friend who works at Lowe’s and says he can get you everything 1/2 off” is a liar and a criminal.