Government Policy

Facebook Sues Spammer; Wins $711 Million

Facebook Sues Spammer; Wins $711 Million

Facebook won $711 million in a lawsuit against a notorious spammer. Don’t cheer too hard, though. The same spampresario owes MySpace $234 million for the same thing.

Recall Roundup: Extra Scary Edition

Recall Roundup: Extra Scary Edition

It’s Halloween, and what’s scarier than exploding DVD player batteries and killer flatware? Or dairy lurking in an innocent-looking tortilla? What about a zombie ATV that accelerates on its own?

First Results Of Gov Study Of Chinese Drywall Inconclusive, But More Tests To Come

First Results Of Gov Study Of Chinese Drywall Inconclusive, But More Tests To Come

Yesterday the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) announced some findings from its study of the problematic Chinese drywall, which 1,900 Florida homeowners have complained stinks and makes people sick. The commission told the Associated Press that “no connections have been made yet,” but that they’re doing more tests—which means there’s still no definitive answer on who should be held financially responsible if the homes have to be gutted and repaired, which the Wall Street Journal says could cost as much as $25 billion dollars.

Memo Reveals Tragic Details Of Stuck Pedal Lexus Crash (Pics)

Memo Reveals Tragic Details Of Stuck Pedal Lexus Crash (Pics)

Tragic details are revealed in NHTSA memo about the Lexus that crashed at almost 100 MPH after the gas pedal became stuck on the floormat, leading to the immolation and death of the four family-members inside, and Toyota’s 3.8 million vehicle recall.

Misplaced Letter Costs PepsiCo $1.26 Billion In Bottled Water Lawsuit

Misplaced Letter Costs PepsiCo $1.26 Billion In Bottled Water Lawsuit

It’s easy to joke about PepsiCo’s Aquafina. After all, it’s purified municipal tap water, bottled and sold at prices comparable to juices and soda. But the product is no joke to two men in Wisconsin. In 1981, they discussed their idea to bottle and sell purified tap water with some of PepsiCo’s regional bottlers. Allegedly, the idea made its way back to PepsiCo and eventually became Aquafina.

Madoff Victims Receive First Repayment Of $534 Million

Madoff Victims Receive First Repayment Of $534 Million

The trustee who’s liquidating Bernie Madoff’s firm has released $534.2 million in repayments to some of his victims, reports Bloomberg. The half-billion is a drop in the bucket of total verified losses, which are now more than $21 billion. But hey, those 1,558 victims whose claims were approved for this partial payout are probaby pretty happy—which is more than you can say for the 2,500+ Madoff customers who may be sued to return fake profits.

Copycat Company Sues Original Artist To Void Copyright Claims

Copycat Company Sues Original Artist To Void Copyright Claims

It’s a natural impulse to want to support the little guy, the David who faces down a powerful Goliath. That’s why it’s easy to get behind this guy’s claims that a copycat business is suing him to force him to abandon his own copyrights. Wtf!, you might say when you read something like that. Is that even possible? It is, and the story is more nuanced when you look at both sides, which makes it a good example of why it’s sometimes hard to be a “good consumer” when deciding where to spend your money.

Yep, Trying To Trade Sex For World Series Tickets Is Illegal

Yep, Trying To Trade Sex For World Series Tickets Is Illegal

We know you really want to go see the Phillies/Yankees World Series, but you’ll have to find some way to pay for it that doesn’t include sex acts. One Philly fan found out that hard way when an undercover cop answered her Craigslist ad.

40 States Ask FTC To Crack Down On Debt Relief Companies

40 States Ask FTC To Crack Down On Debt Relief Companies

Attorneys general in 40 states just asked the FTC to step up the fight against debt relief companies that mislead and overcharge consumers, like Credit Solutions of America (CSA), reports Consumer Affairs.

5 People Charged With Robbing And Torturing Mortgage Modification Agents

5 People Charged With Robbing And Torturing Mortgage Modification Agents

KTLA says that five people have been charged with torture, robbery and false imprisonment after luring two loan modification agents to a location and then holding them for hours, beating and robbing them before one escaped.

Is AT&T Behind Grassroots Groups That Are Opposed To Net Neutrality?

Is AT&T Behind Grassroots Groups That Are Opposed To Net Neutrality?

In the net neutrality debate, there are a surprising number of grassroots organizations (well, surprising to me at any rate) that have filed statements against the FCC’s recent draft of rules. Matthew Lasar at Ars Technica just published an interesting article where he looks at some of these groups and tries to figure out whether AT&T is secretly influencing them, or whether they really do think net neutrality will hurt those they represent–frequently minority groups–in the long run.

Company Pays Man It Never Employed For More Than 4 Years, Sues To Get Money Back

Company Pays Man It Never Employed For More Than 4 Years, Sues To Get Money Back

Anthony accepted a job at New Jersey telemarketing company Avaya Inc. in September 2002 but decided at the last minute not to start working for the company.

FDA: Um, Please Do Not Buy Stupid #$@% Like "Swine Flu Shampoo"

FDA: Um, Please Do Not Buy Stupid #$@% Like "Swine Flu Shampoo"

The FDA is calling on consumers not to fall for unapproved bogus “swine flu” or “H1N1” products that claim to offer a cure or other health benefits. There’s even a “swine flu shampoo” that claims to protect against the virus. Awesome.

Are You Ready For The UHF TV Transition?

Are You Ready For The UHF TV Transition?

Before DTV, before cable even, another transmission standard transistion rocked boob tubes across America – the groundbreaking introduction of UHF signals!

Price Match Fraud Lawsuit Filed Against Best Buy

Price Match Fraud Lawsuit Filed Against Best Buy

A class action lawsuit has been filed in Illinois against Best Buy. The suit’s claims? That the company has an official policy against price-matching their own web site. You don’t say. That claim of a special Intranet site to prevent price-matching against the chain’s Web site sounds familiar. So do most of the suit’s allegations, for loyal readers of Consumerist.

24 Hour Fitness Sued For Charging Ex-Customers Fees

24 Hour Fitness Sued For Charging Ex-Customers Fees

The gym chain made famous on NBC’s “Biggest Loser” is being sued for continuing to debit the bank accounts of customers who have canceled their memberships. The US Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, has given the green light to a class action lawsuit that says the chain is violating both the RICO Act and the Electronic Funds Transfer Act by keeping these zombie memberships active.

Consumer Reporter Keeps Buying Things That Catch Fire

Consumer Reporter Keeps Buying Things That Catch Fire

The Handy Switch, pitched in infomercials by the zombie late Billy Mays, is theoretically a cool product. It’s a wireless light switch that you can install and plug in anywhere. It would be very useful were it not for its unfortunate tendency to burst into flames.

Blair Recalls More Flammable Clothing After Yet Another Fire

Blair Recalls More Flammable Clothing After Yet Another Fire

“Consumers Urged to Stop Use of Flammable Wearing Apparel,” says the warning on the Consumer Product Safety Commission Web site. You would think so, wouldn’t you? But Blair, the catalog where your grandmother probably gets all of her clothes, has expanded their recall of chenille sleepwear after nine deaths and another reported chenille fire.