Government Policy

All Four National Wireless Companies Accused Of Breaking FCC Rules By Hiding Information About Data Throttling

All Four National Wireless Companies Accused Of Breaking FCC Rules By Hiding Information About Data Throttling

Just over two weeks ago, the FCC not-so-gently reminded all four big wireless carriers that although true “net neutrality” might not apply to them, there are still rules about transparency and disclosures that they have to follow. At the time, FCC chairman Tom Wheeler said that companies had no excuse to think the FCC wasn’t watching them — and the FCC isn’t the only group putting wireless companies on notice over their lack of transparency. [More]

Vizio Recalls 245,000 TVs Because “Tipping Over” Is Not A Desirable Feature

Vizio Recalls 245,000 TVs Because “Tipping Over” Is Not A Desirable Feature

Because it’s hard to watch TV when you screen has fallen onto the floor, the folks at Vizio are recalling approximately 245,000 39″ and 42″ TVs with stands that might fail. [More]

(Timothy J. Silverman)

FCC Needs To Revise Outdated Definition Of Broadband

Right now, the current FCC definition of broadband includes any service with data speeds of at least 4 Mbps downstream and only 1 Mbps up. In the days before HD video streaming, that was an adequate definition, but those numbers haven’t kept pace with the reality of new technologies or consumer demand. That’s why the FCC has announced that it is looking into possibly revising its standards for broadband. [More]


Consumers Dropped F-Bomb 4,377 Times In Comments To FCC About Net Neutrality

More than 1 million comments were submitted to the FCC by the public regarding the Commission’s flawed attempt to restore net neutrality. And more than a few of those comments included language that might make your mother blush. [More]

Phone Company Routed 911 Calls To Automated Recording Telling Callers To Dial 911

Phone Company Routed 911 Calls To Automated Recording Telling Callers To Dial 911

Although consumers in some areas of the United States can now text message 911 in the event of an emergency, it’s always nice to know that calling a real, live human is still an option. Unless of course it isn’t, which was the case for residents of Caddo County, OK, for several months in 2013. [More]

Still Waiting For Your Fitbit Force Recall Check? Here’s What To Do

Still Waiting For Your Fitbit Force Recall Check? Here’s What To Do

We’ve provided wrist-to-wrist coverage of the problems surrounding the FitBit Force, a wearable movement tracker that counts steps, measures flights of stairs, and occasionally induces rashes. We shared with you the first rash reports we saw, as well as reporting on the recall and its aftermath. It makes sense that readers would contact us when they can’t get their refunds. Are you still waiting for your check? Here’s what you should do. [More]


New Gluten-Free Labeling Rules Go Into Effect This Week

A year after the Food and Drug Administration laid out the rules for food manufacturers who want to label their products gluten-free, the new labeling requirements will go kick in this week. [More]

Soon PreCheck Lanes Will Only Be For Those Who Actually Paid For The Perks

Soon PreCheck Lanes Will Only Be For Those Who Actually Paid For The Perks

If you’ve ever been randomly plucked out of the ordinary Transportation Security Administration screening line at the airport and ushered through the magical line where you don’t have to take off your shoes or rifle through your bag to pull out laptops and small bottles of liquid, then you know the joy of the PreCheck lane. I hope you enjoyed the free ride while it lasted, because the popularity of the supposed no-hassle line means only paying customers will be admitted from now on. [More]

(Steve Rhodes)

Verizon’s Defense For LTE Throttling: We’re Not Going After Unlimited Users; They’re Just Data Hogs

Verizon Wireless recently announced that it will soon expand its data-throttling “Network Optimization” program to include users of its high-speed LTE network. FCC Chair Tom Wheeler then wrote the company, saying he was “deeply troubled” that Verizon might be trying to pass off a cash-grab as legitimate network management. Verizon has responded to Wheeler, defending the program and asking why the FCC is picking on them. [More]

(Dan Domme)

Should Food Companies Tell Consumers How Much Sugar They Add To Products?

Looking at the label of any food product on grocery store shelves and you’ll find the total amount of sugar in that item. But does it matter how much of that sugar is from a food’s raw ingredients, and how much sweetener was added? [More]

DOT Firming Up Rules To Ban In-Flight Cellphone Use

DOT Firming Up Rules To Ban In-Flight Cellphone Use

It’s been more than eight months since the FCC first announced that it was considering lifting its ban on inflight cellphone use, which was followed almost immediately by the Dept. of Transportation saying it would think about enacting its own ban. Now comes news that the DOT is putting together new rules that would keep airplanes from being chatter-infested flying tubes of anger. [More]

(Gustavno Rivera)

USDA Changes Up The Way It’s Been Inspecting Poultry Plants For The Last 50 Years

In an effort to stem the tide of foodborne illnesses hitting the country every year via chicken and turkey, the Obama administration has announced new rules for poultry plants, revamping the rules its used for inspections for the first time since 1957. But critics are crying foul, calling the government out for failing to address the role antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria plays in the poultry industry. [More]

Former Work-At-Home Schemer Hid Assets From FTC, Must Now Pay Previously Suspended $26.9M Fine

Former Work-At-Home Schemer Hid Assets From FTC, Must Now Pay Previously Suspended $26.9M Fine

When your company is under investigation by federal regulators it’s best to be forthcoming with your net worth, because, you know, secrets come out. And when that secret happens to be hidden money, the subsequent fine will likely increase – by a lot. [More]

CFPB Report: Typical Overdraft Situation Is Comparable To Small-Dollar Loan With 17,000% Interest Rate

CFPB Report: Typical Overdraft Situation Is Comparable To Small-Dollar Loan With 17,000% Interest Rate

If you’re one of the hundreds of millions of consumers who use a debit card you’ve likely found yourself on the receiving end of an overdraft fee when your account balance just wasn’t quite enough to make a desired purchase. While consumers might not necessarily question the occasional overdraft fee, a new report from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau puts the fees into a disconcerting perspective. [More]


Verizon’s Plan To Throttle Heavy LTE Users Is “Deeply Troubling” To FCC’s Wheeler

Last week, Verizon announced that it was extending its “Network Optimization” policy, which throttles speeds for the top 5% of data users, to include LTE data for the first time. This move didn’t sit well with the few remaining Verizon customers with “unlimited” data plans, nor did it thrill FCC Chair Tom Wheeler (who is apparently in a letter-writing mood this week). [More]

FCC Chair Asks Time Warner Cable Why It Treats Dodgers Fans So Badly

FCC Chair Asks Time Warner Cable Why It Treats Dodgers Fans So Badly

As we’ve discussed in an earlier post, some 70% of people in L.A. are currently unable to watch the L.A. Dodgers because SportsNet L.A., a station jointly owned by the first-place team and the bottom-of-the-barrel cable company, won’t let other pay-TV carriers air the channel without paying a premium. While the FCC has generally stayed out of such messes, FCC Chair Tom Wheeler has let TWC know that he’s not exactly happy with the current situation in Los Angeles. [More]

(Great Beyond)

Hyundai Recalls 880,000 Sonatas Because When You Put The Car In Park It Shouldn’t Continue To Move

One would assume that when shifting a vehicle into park that means all forward and backward motions of the vehicle have ceased. That apparently wasn’t the case for some Hyundai vehicles that are now being recalled in the United States and Puerto Rico for a transmission issue. [More]

Surgeon General’s Report: “We Need To Do Something” About Climbing Skin Cancer Rates

Surgeon General’s Report: “We Need To Do Something” About Climbing Skin Cancer Rates

Summer might be half-over, but there’s still plenty of time left to go tanning on the beach before fall madness sets in. But before you head out to catch some rays before Labor Day, the Surgeon General has some advice for you: don’t. [More]