Signs Vs. Reality: These Panties At JCPenney Are Not 3 For $6.99 Image courtesy of Clare
Have you ever picked up items on sale, only to have them ring up for a lot more than you expected at the checkout counter? Here’s a real-world example from a JCPenney store of how that happens.
“Does anyone else look at this and see 3 Ambrielle items for a total cost of $6.99?” Clare writes. “Yeah? Me too!”
That isn’t the case: The items ring up at $6.99 each, which is what not what the average shopper will absorb when looking at this sign.
The word “each” is so important, and should be, you know, on the sign.

One of three things will happen when you bring these panties to the checkout counter:
1. Among a cartful of other merchandise, you don’t notice that you’re actually paying $20.97 plus sales tax per underpants trio.
2. You notice that the price differs from the sign, shrug, and tell the cashier to put the items back.
3. You notice that the price differs from the sign and demand to speak to the manager about it. You demand to buy three items for $6.99, for the sign to be changed, or both.
Instead of any of the above, we brought Clare’s photo over to JCPenney’s media relations department, and they told us that this is definitely not what the sign is supposed to say.
“This sign was incorrectly produced in the store and was later updated to clarify the quantity and sale price eligibility,” a company representative told Consumerist.
When the department store industry in general and JCPenney specifically are struggling to be relevant and to stay in business, this kind of nonsense doesn’t encourage customers to come back.
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