IKEA Would Only Allow ‘Deadpool’ Writers To Use Joke About Furniture If It Was Authentic

There’s a scene in the newly released Marvel comic book movie where the main character played by Ryan Reynolds becomes enraged during the process of assembling the Swedish company’s flat-pack furniture, Digital Spy reports.
IKEA was fine with being referenced, but it did have some requirements.
“The one thing we weren’t allowed to do is make names up,” writer Rhett Reese told Digital Spy.
And as tempting as it might be to create your own IKEA furniture names, the writers had to stick to the company’s already established list, which is already sort of hilarious in itself.
“We had to use real IKEA furniture,” Reese explained. “There was a wealth of real-life furniture to choose from, so it wasn’t a problem.”
Ikea made a single demand on Deadpool’s furniture joke [Digital Spy]
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