Uber To Pay $7.6M To California In Order To Keep Drivers On The Road

Uber must pay a $7.6 million fine in order to keep its drivers on the road in California after the state’s Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) voted on Thursday to approve a judge’s months-old recommendation that found the ride-sharing company failed to meet data reporting requirements.
The CPUC approved the measure, originally handed down in by an administrative judge in July, penalizing the company for failing to comply with state laws designed to ensure that drivers were providing rides fairly to all passengers, The Los Angeles Times reports.
Uber said it will appeal the decision, but had agreed to pay the hefty fine to avoid a 30-day suspension of its license.
“While we are disappointed by the decision, we look forward to making our case to the California Court of Appeals,” an Uber spokesperson said in a prepared statement. “In the meantime, we will pay the fine and continue to work in good faith with the Commission.”
In July, the judge recommended [PDF] that Uber be fined $7.3 million and suspended from operating in California for failing to comply with state laws that created certain reporting requirements for “New Online Enabled Transportation Services” or “Transportation Network Companies” like Uber and Lyft. Failure to comply with these rules could result in hefty fines.
The recommendation included the findings that Uber had not provided three important pieces of information:
Accessibility information: the number and percentage of customers who requested accessible vehicles, and how often [Uber] was able to comply with requests for accessible vehicles…
Service information: the number of rides requested and accepted by [Uber] drivers within each zip code where [Uber] operates, and the number of rides that were requested but not accepted; as well as the amounts paid/donated…
Driver safety information: the cause of each driving incident involving a [Uber] driver
Uber appealed the decision in August and an amended decision was created, stipulating that Uber pay $7.6 million and a $1,000 contempt fine, and that service be put on hold for 30 days in the state.
While Uber did provide some data, the CPUC says that information fell short of requirements, leading the agency to take action against the ride-sharing service.
NOTE: This story has been updated to reflect the results of the CPUC decision.
Uber may face $7.6 million fine from the California Public Utilities Commission [The Los Angeles Times]
Uber fined $7.6 million by California utilities commission [The Los Angeles Times]
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