Atlanta Comcast Customers Can Pay $35 Fee To Avoid Data Cap Overage Fees

(ash) notes that Atlanta has been added to the list of markets where Comcast markets itself as the gateway to all the cool high-speed entertainment on the Internet but wants to limit and monetize customers’ access to those things.
Without the Unlimited option, customers who hit their 300GB monthly cap are billed $10 for every 50GB they go past the cap. With the Unlimited plan, customers pay $30-35/month for the right to disregard that data cap.
But if you consider that a typical broadband-only plan from Comcast costs around $75/month, that $35 fee for Atlanta residents is probably about half of what many of them are already paying for Internet access each month. That’s effectively a price increase to get the same level of service that Comcast customers in other parts of the country receive.
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