Amazon Is Using NYC’s Subway System For Prime Now Deliveries

The company is now using New York City’s subway system to ferry around its products for Prime Now deliveries in Manhattan, reports the Financial Times, as often taking the train is a lot faster than taking four wheels. Prime Now promises delivery within an hour for $7.99 or two hours for free.
According to two workers manning pushcarts of Amazon packages on the subway that FT spoke with, the company is using the subway for most Prime Now deliveries, for exactly the reason why anyone would — it’s faster.
Amazon confirmed that it’s using the subway for Prime Now orders where it can: “In Manhattan, our folks bike, walk or use public transportation. They only drive if the item is large like a flat screen TV.”
Here’s where you brag about that one time you carried a flat screen TV on the subway because no cabs would pick you up.
Amazon trolleys take a ride on New York subway [Financial Times]
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