Chili’s Gave Its Food A Makeover So Customers Will Post Photos Of It On Social Media

That $750K/year egg wash in action on Chili’s Instagram.
Chili’s Grill & Bar gave its dishes a makeover to please the Instagrammers, reports Bloomberg: Things lik serving fries in stainless-steel vessels, perching its burgers high up on the plate and using buns that look good on camera. catering to the Instagram crowd, revamped the look of its dishes to make them look better on social media.
On those pretty buns alone, Chili’s says it’s spending $750,000 a year now on an egg wash that gives the buns their new, camera-ready sheen.
“It just makes it look great. It glistens, it shines,” Wyman Roberts, CEO of Brinker International, the parent company of Chili’s, told the Associated Press.
Chili’s seems to have caught on to what anyone scrolling through Instagram knows, or anyone who’s ever faced down a gleaming bowl of pho/towering plate of golden fries/inspiring landscape of tortilla chips covered in nacho cheese and tried desperately not to take a picture.
“Food is the second most photographed thing, after yourself,” Roberts told Bloomberg. “Selfies of people eating food is the sweet spot.”
At least it’s not trying to incorporate that weird trend of people who take pictures of their feet while they’re standing somewhere. Foot selfies are a mystery to me.
In Instagram Age, Chili’s Pays for Buns With Photo Appeal [Bloomberg]
Burger Selfies: Chili’s Tweaks Food to Look Better on Instagram [Associated Press]
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