Watch The Very First YouTube Video, Uploaded 10 Years Ago Today

On April 23, 2005, YouTube cofounder Jawed Karim uploaded an 18-second video clip titled “Me at the zoo,” making it the site’s first video. It now has more than 19 million views which is respectable, to be sure, but it’s no “Gangnam Style,” which clocks in at more than 2.3 billion views.
According to, it was shot at the San Diego Zoo by fellow co-founder Yakov Lapitsky.
The year after that fateful upload, Google acquired YouTube for $1.65 billion, which was the company’s second largest acquisition at that time, making its founders multimillionaires.
Spoiler alert: The “cool thing” about elephants will not blow your mind or change your life. But you do have endless hours of cat videos to watch so, it is what it is.
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