U.S. Xbox One Users Can Now Watch Over-The-Air TV (With $80 Add-On)

Microsoft rolled out a new feature allowing Xbox One Preview members to watch live over-the-air broadcasts.
Some days it seems as if the uses for the Xbox One are unlimited; you can play games, watch on-demand programing from HBO GO, Netflix and other apps and you can live stream content through a subscription to Sling TV. One thing you haven’t been able to do? Watch live over-the-air content from local broadcast networks. But that’s about to change.
Microsoft announced today that it has entered into a partnership with Hauppauge that will allow Xbox One Preview program members in the U.S. and Canada to watch live broadcasts from CBS, NBC, FOX and PBS – that is, if they buy a few extra pieces of hardware.
In order to actually gain access to the new programing options, users must purchase an over-the-air TV tuner and HDTV antenna.
Of course, given Microsoft’s new partnership, the company is recommending the WinTV-955Q tuner ($79.99), but assures consumers it’s working to release a lower cost version in the coming months.
Even with the suggested tuner and antenna, Microsoft warns that not all customers will have access to the new service.
Because over-the-air reception can fluctuate from location to location, often depending on local terrain, Microsoft encourages interested customers to research which channels are likely to be available in their area before shelling out for the tuner and antenna.
Once the service is connected, users can seamlessly move between gaming and TV or do both at the same time through use of the console’s snap feature.
Additionally, the service incorporates OneGuide TV listings, customizable channel lists. and a live TV pause feature that lasts up to 30 minutes.
Although the service is currently only available to Preview program members, Microsoft anticipates rolling out the over-the-air capabilities to all Xbox One users soon.
TV on Xbox Gets More Versatile with Over-the-Air Tuner for the U.S. and Canada [Microsoft]
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