Marriott Testing In-Room Access To Netflix, Hulu, And Other Streaming Services

Bloomberg News reports that Marriott is testing streaming access to such services in eight of its hotels across the U.S. The company did not specify which locations were acting as guinea pigs for the new services.
Currently, guests can access streaming content on their personal laptops and tablets when connected to WiFi at the hotels, but by offering the opportunity through its built-in room entertainment utilities, Marriott aims to generate additional revenue.
It’s unclear at this point just how the in-room streaming services will work; whether customers can login with their personal accounts or if access on room televisions would come as part of a premium internet package.
Officials with Marriott tell Bloomberg they have been considering the latter option of packaging streaming services for a fee with high-speed internet.
Sources close to the talks between Netflix and the hotel say that several other hotel chains are considering offering the streaming video service.
Netflix Weighs Expansion in Hotels With Marriott Testing Service [Bloomberg News]
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