If Your iCloud Password Is ‘Password1,’ Choose Something Else Right Now Image courtesy of (Dev.Arka)

Many sites block people from registering terrible passwords like “Password123,” but others leave us to our own idiocy. Even less obvious passwords than that are susceptible. That’s why iDict, an ostensible iCloud account-hacking tool uploaded to GitHub, should serve as a reminder to us all to change our passwords to something a little less obvious.
The key isn’t the program itself, but the weakness it’s meant to exploit: iDict is a tool that tries all 500 of the common passwords in the program’s dictionary to find out whether you’re using Satan666, Jesus123, ZAQ!1qaz, or any of the 497 other passwords pre-loaded in the program. The author says that the release is meant to prompt Apple to fix the security loophole that it exploits. Don’t download it and go password-cracking: that’s not really what it’s meant for.
Do read over the list of passwords in its dictionary to find out whether you’re using any of them. If you are, change your password.
If Your iCloud Password Is On This List, Change It Before You Get Hacked [Gizmodo]
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