Police Officer Buys Accused Shoplifter A Carton Of Eggs, Donations Follow By The Truckload

The exchange, as posted on Facebook.
Last weekend, an Alabama woman was caught at a Birmingham Dollar General with five eggs stuffed into her pockets, reports AL.com. She only had $1.25, not enough to get a carton of eggs, so she said she put the eggs in her pocket out of desperation — she has two daughters, a niece and two grandchildren at home and the family had gone for two days without food at that point.
“Of course when I put them in my jacket pocket they broke,” she said. “I’m not a good thief at all.”
A store worker confronted her and she admitted to stealing the eggs, while the police were already on their way. Upon arrival, an officer told her to stay where she was because they weren’t going to press charges. Instead, he came out of the store with a carton of eggs for her.
“She started crying, she got very emotional and was very apologetic,” he said. “She tried to give me the money she had on her, $1.25.”
She asked how she could repay him — don’t steal again, he told her — and then requested a hug from him. And this being the age of the Internet and camera phones, someone filmed the moment, posted it to Facebook and boom — their story had gone viral.
On Tuesday, police showed up at her home to let her know they were helping to coordinate the offers of food and clothing that have come pouring in since her story hit the news. She’s also been signed up for the town’s annual toy drive.
So far, at least two truck loads of food have been dropped off to the family’s apartment by the police. She says her live has been changed forever since the officer and his department have stepped in.
“The last time I saw my house this full, I was 12-years-old and staying with my grandmother,” said the 47-year-old. “I’ve been crying all day.”
Tarrant police officer delivers groceries to woman caught stealing eggs at Dollar General [AL.com]
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