Company Offers In-Store Tailoring To Make Pockets Big Enough For The iPhone 6 Plus Image courtesy of (Alan Rappa)
A Chinese carrier hit the news cycle jackpot when a user of China’s social media site Weibo posted a photo of a tailor on location on the day the new iPhones hit the country, reports Tech in Asia (h/t to MarketWatch) for the link).
A branch of China Unicom in Shanghai had the tailor sitting at a counter adjusting pants pockets to the specifications of the iPhone 6 Plus, apparently in a bid to convince size wary customers that they can have the big phone AND wear pants that can carry it at the same time.

It’s unclear, however, if this service will be offered at all of the company’s outlets, or if this was just a publicity move aimed at getting attention. In which case, it worked. ANd it’s not the first time: Users on Weibo reportedly pointed out that a company in Amsterdam pulled a similar stunt at one of its stores.
My solution: Those without a purse or bag, just strap it to your hand so you never have to put it away at all. Done.
Chinese telco hires in-store tailor to enlarge pant pockets for iPhone 6 Plus [Tech in Asia]
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