We’re Going To Be Humming The Awful/Genius Jingle From A Cheesy Mall Commercial All Day

Boots and pants… where can I buy some boots and pants? Or haircuts? What about haircuts? Denim! My needs to be addressed, simply and set to music. Good thing there’s an awkward/genius commercial for a mall in New Jersey to fulfill all my shopping and amusement needs.
This snappy “back-to-school” commercial featuring a local mall was uploaded to YouTube yesterday and already it has over almost 300,000 views, likely due to the ravenous hordes at Reddit.
There’s an attempt at beat-boxing, and a string of shoppers? Store proprietors? offering words into a microphone consisting solely of items that are available for purchase at the mall and urging viewers, in some cases, to go purchase those things at the mall.
In a day and age when malls are dying and no one watches TV commercials on actual TVs, it’s good to know there’s still something like this out there. It’s so awful, it’s beautiful. And therein lies its genius.
Get ready to have this little ditty screaming through your brain all day:
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