Costco Shopper Pays For Firefighters’ Groceries While They’re Out On Emergency Call

While the crew was shopping at a California Costco over the weekend to stock up for a Memorial Day party, an emergency medical call came in and they left the store right away, reports
Left behind at the store was their entire haul — steak, corn, watermelon and all the fixings. When they were able to get back to the store, they found that the entire $123.25 bill had already been paid in full by a fellow shopper.
“The note said ‘thank you firefighters for all you do have a good day’ and it was signed by an Air Force wife,” said the battalion chief of the fire department.
The woman didn’t leave her name, but the crew hopes she’ll make herself known to them.
“We’re hoping that that person would come by and let us thank them for it,” said the chief.
Instead of simply walking off and filling their bellies, however, the crew decided to pay the kind act forward, and bought Memorial Day flowers for an elderly couple and planned to cook dinner this week for a local World War II vet.
Woman gives Vacaville firefighters a special thanks []
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