Fight Over Freshness Of Cinnamon Roll Leads To Gun Threat At Burger King

Here’s how it went down, according to video from WCBD News: Witnesses say three women came into the Burger King and ordered food, and shortly after got into an argument with an employee about her Cinnabon not being fresh.
A manager got involved and the fight escalated, until the three women left the restaurant. A few minutes later, witnesses say one woman came back inside with her hand in her purse and said she was going to “shoot everyone,” and then added “I”m going to shoot down the place.”
Employees called the police and the suspects fled.
The store’s owner didn’t speak on camera but told the station, “I know it’s a good product, but I’m not sure it’s that good.”
And as for the scene inside, one witness didn’t sound like she was too scared either that anything would actually happen because of the subject matter.
“It was all kind of dumb because it was over a cinnamon bun,” she told the news station. “It’s like, it’s Burger King, it’s a fast food place, it’s a cinnamon bun.”
All jokes aside, police are taking the threat seriously, and will likely be leveling charges of aggravated assault if they apprehend the suspect.
Fast food freakout [WCBD News]
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