FXX Planning To Air Marathon Of All 552 Episodes Of ‘The Simpsons’ This Summer

Touch the remote and die. (Carbon Arc)
Because there’s nothing better than sitting in front of a TV for hours on end when the sun is shining, the extra-Xed sibling of the FX network says the marathon will start on Aug. 21 and continue on into Labor Day, which is Monday, Sept. 1 or those already planning ahead (wedding season, oof! Am I right? Sigh).
FXX’s programming chief Chuck Saftler said the reason the network is doing this now is that it coincides nicely with the network’s purchase of rerun rights, as well as the development of a new app that allows users to watch any and every episode of the series, reports the Associated Press.
This fall the network will also show four hours of episodes every Sunday, until the newest episodes air on Fox in prime time.
Now we just sit back and wait for the inevitable headlines of hardcore fans pledging to watch all 11 days straight through. Not possible within the bounds of human physiology and our need for sleep, but inevitable nonetheless.
FXX plans marathon telecast of ‘The Simpsons’ [Associated Press]
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