Family Of Deceased Amazon Worker: No One Noticed Her Lying In Parking Lot For 7 Hours

The family of a Delaware woman who died after she was found lying outside in the parking lot of the Amazon distribution center where she worked has a lot of questions this week: Namely, how could no one have seen her lying there for at least seven hours, with her car running?
Police are investigating the death of the 46-year-old woman who was found early Monday morning, after she’d finished a Sunday shift around 6 p.m.
“She got off work, and it appears she was clearing off her vehicle from the snow and ice and must have collapsed between her car and the one next to hers,” the police chief tells The News Journal. An autopsy ruled that she died of natural causes.
But her sister is wondering how no one saw her body or noticed that an empty car was running with door open, as her sister says in this story — isn’t that what surveillance cameras are for? Well, they are, but it sounds like Amazon’s weren’t working.
“Apparently, Amazon was having problems with their camera system from 5 p.m. onward, and no one saw her out there,” the police chief explained.
An Amazon spokeswoman had no insight into the non-operational cameras, saying only: “We are deeply saddened, and our thoughts go out to [the worker’s] family and loved ones.”
The woman’s mother finally discovered her after going out to find her daughter when she hadn’t come home, and another family member who works for Amazon as well directed her to the area where the woman usually parked. She found her on the ground between two vehicles and called 911, but emergency responders were unable to revive her.
“Her car wasn’t parked that far from the door,” her sister said, adding that no one told the family why the cameras didn’t see anything.
“The car was running from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. If I saw a car running that long, I would have investigated it.”
Family: Amazon worker outside seven hours before body discovered [The News Journal]
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