Legal Recreational Marijuana Sales Start In Colorado With “Bubba Kush” Description

Now that you can legally buy marijuana for recreational use in Colorado, many potential customers might be wondering: What exactly am I buying? Never fear, there are apparently very knowledgeable sales people ready to help and explain the finer points of Bubba Kush and any other strains of cannabis you may be interested in.
Cameras were a’clicking and reporters were very clear about which shots they wanted to see yesterday during the first legal purchase of recreational marijuana was marked with a bit of a ceremony at a store in Denver, reports the Denver Post.
In an event arranged by activists, a veteran of the Iraq war who uses pot to ease the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder was the first customer to make a marijuana purchase at about 8 a.m. Anyone 21 or older will be able to do the same thing in the state as of yesterday.
The store’s owner stood in a scrum of a reporters yelling requests at her to hold up the pot a bit higher so the cameras could see it, and explain the finer points of the items for sale.
“I’m holding an indic a strain of cannabis called Bubba Kush,” she said, after also showing off some chocolate truffles infused with pot.
“It’s a huge honor, to say the least,” the first customer added, saying that he uses marijuana for his symptoms because he’d rather use it than other drugs to combat his PTSD. When a reporter asks how long that eighth will last him, he laughs and says he might just keep it in a frame in his home as a memento.
It seemed for the most part like sales went smoothly, with customers lined up to patiently wait for their turns to buy pot.
“It’s kind of a relief, frankly,” said Denver City Councilman Charlie Brown of the “peacefulness of the crowd.” “This could have gone a lot of different ways. So far, so good.”
World’s first legal recreational marijuana sales begin in Colorado [Denver Post]
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