Woman Ticketed For Driving With Google Glass Pleads Not Guilty

It’s hard to read, but the driver was cited for “Driving with Monitor visible to Driver (Google Glass)” (Source: Google+)
The ticket, which went viral after the driver posted it to her Google+ account, shows that a ticket was given for “Driving with Monitor visible to Driver (Google Glass),” an alleged violation of a California law that prohibits drivers from operating a vehicle if he or she can be distracted by a visible TV or other video monitor used primarily for entertainment or business applications. Screens for things like GPS and rearview cameras are allowed.
However, the driver argues that she was merely wearing the Google Glass and it was not turned on, which she maintains is like trying to ticket someone for driving with an unplugged TV in the passenger seat.
“There is nothing illegal about simply wearing the Google Glass while it is not turned on,” said her lawyer.
Of course, there is the little part where she was also allegedly driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone, but that is — for want of a better word — a pedestrian issue compared to whether or not the simple wearing of Google Glass violates the law. Of course, why would you actually wear the device if you’re not using it? Not saying she was using it, but just curious what purpose it served other than to earn geek cred from other drivers who noticed.
Both sides will make their case when it comes to trial on Jan. 16. We predict that at least 4 tech bloggers will be on hand, attempting to record the trial with their own Google Glasses.
US woman denies distracted driving due to Google Glass [Yahoo]
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