Google Glass Prepping To Be More Than Geeky Headgear

Someday you may not be able to distinguish Google Glass from a random pair of eyeglasses. (smcgee)
The Wall Street Journal reports that Google has been talking with VSP Global, a company that manages Google’s employee vision plan but also makes lenses and frames for eyeglasses.
It’s a move that could make Google Glass more palatable — and more easily distributed — via VSP’s network of 30,000 doctors (not to mention the 60 million people enrolled in the company’s various vision plans).
Some testers of early Google Glass devices have complained about the annoyance of wearing them while also trying to wear their regular glasses, and Google has already said intends to figure out a way to integrate special prescription lenses.
But the Journal says that Google’s interest in VSP is more than just making the glasses look and fit better for the millions of potential customers who need regular glasses. It’s also about making doctors around the country familiar with Google Glass and figuring out a distribution network for these products.
“Down the road I think this technology is going to blow up,” says one optometrist who is both on the board of VSP Global and is an early tester of Google Glass (so of course he may not be completely unbiased). “As soon as apps are developed that are relevant for your world, it will start to take off.”
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