Fire At Yuengling Brewery Does $1 Million In Damage, Beers Unharmed

Here’s some news out of Florida that could have been much more horrible: a storage building at a Yuengling brewery near Tampa caught fire over the weekend. While the facility sustained about $1 million in damage, the company reports that their brewing operations won’t be affected. Repeat: there will be no mass beer shortages.
The facility was about 60 years old, and had originally been built by Schlitz. In the intervening years, Pabst and Stroh’s have owned the building. It’s that midcentury construction that apparently made the fire look much worse than it really was: observers thought that the entire storage building was on fire, but really it was the old wooden timbers in the exterior wall.
A spokesman said that the brewery would be back to “business as usual” today. “though there is some damage, it’s nothing we can’t work around and continue to make beer,” he said. Whew.
Yuengling Brewery fire ‘could have been far, far, far worse’ [Tampa Tribune] (Thanks, Rowell!)
Fire at Yuengling Brewery: $1M damage estimated [10 News]
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