San Francisco Accidentally Directs Callers Complaining About The Marathon To Sex Line

Why is that every time we hear about a city or otherwise very public entity getting a phone number wrong, it’s inevitable that callers end up dialing a sex line? The Surprise! This Is A Phone Sex Number And Not The Number You Were Looking For phenomenon struck San Francisco residents trying to complain about Sunday’s Nike Marathon.
Some residents who live near Union Square were none too pleased that the Nike Marathon started at 6:30 a.m. on Sunday morning, mostly because at 5:30 a.m. the organizers started broadcasting announcements and music at 5:30 a.m., reports the San Francisco Chronicle. Talk about a wake-up call.
When neighbors started clamoring for a place to complain and called the city’s non-emergency 311 line, many were redirected to call Nike at 1-800-RUN-NIKE. Unfortunately, the actual phone number they were supposed to dial was 1-866-RUN-NIKE.
Calling that first number gets you a woman’s voice saying, “You’re gonna need to unzip that fly, baby.” Definitely not the recourse residents were seeking. Although, who are we to judge? Maybe a saucy little chat could go a long way toward easing the rancor caused by waking up so early on a weekend.
And also, asks Consumerist reader Brian, who’s still calling those lines with all that free Internet porn?
S.F. directs Nike Marathon complaints to sex line [San Francisco Chronicle]
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