Let’s Hope Ticketmaster Exec Doesn’t Bring Extra Fees To Work With Him At Twitter

At least we can (hopefully) count on former Ticketmaster President Nathan Hubbard to eschew confusing CAPTCHAs at his new job as Twitter’s first head of commerce, but let’s all cross our fingers that he doesn’t bring Ticketmasterlike fees with him to work. Because those are the worst. Twitter has hired him in a push to allow users to shop within tweets on the social media site.
Hubbard headed up the team at Ticketmaster that finally ditched CAPTCHAs, and now he’ll be in charge of shilling goods on Twitter, a first-time move for the site, reports Bloomberg, one that the company hopes will make it some more money in addition to those Promoted Tweets.
“We’re going to go to people who have stuff to sell and help them use Twitter to sell it more effectively,” Hubbard said.
But of course! [Smacks head with palm] Everyone loves stuff!
It’s not just about providing another shopping opportunity for Twitter, of course: By keeping users on the site longer while they shop, it can learn more about what interests those users. And data about shopping habits makes all the proverbial cash registers ring up dollar signs in the eyes of advertisers. There they go, just at the mention of it.
Bloomberg also wants to make sure everyone knows that along with his nice education at various Ivy League institutions, Hubbard “was formerly a touring and recording artist, and has released five albums.” Good to know, because I heard the head of commerce at Facebook? He hasn’t released any albums.
Previously in buying stuff on Twitter news: Twitter Kills Off Ribbons In-Stream Payment System Hours After Its Launch
Twitter Hires Commerce Chief to Add Shopping Via Tweets [Bloomberg]
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