I Report A Plastic Thingy In My Snack Bag, Utz Showers Me In Chips

When Kevin found a foreign object in his bag of Utz chips, he wasn’t after a freebie or about to sue for pain and suffering. He just wanted to let the company know. He couldn’t find an e-mail address, so he messaged the company using Facebook. He didn’t expect to hear back from a company VP, or to have his twist tie-filled chip bag replaced twelve times over.
He didn’t get a picture before throwing the item away, but described it as follows:
[I]t was about 2 inches long, and actually looked a little like a black twisty-tie, but more round in cross section, thicker, and a vaguely textured surface. The texturing in the surface may have come from going through a machine, because it was not regular.
Ew. Not life-threatening, but ew anyway. Kevin didn’t expect to get a shower of free chips for his trouble, though. “3 days after the e-mail, I received 3 bags of chips via FedEx,” he writes. “2 days later, 2 large bags of replacement chips, yesterday, another 4 bags of different chips.”
Utz rewarded him with a three-month membership in their Chip of the Month Club, which is apparently a thing. Way to impress a customer who wasn’t even all that upset!
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