Comcast Offers Broadband So Fast, The Promotional Price Ends 6 Months Early

So fast, the price changes 6 months early.
He writes:
Comcast was advertising their Performance Internet cable service plan at $29.99 for 12 months. I thought it was a great deal, especially since my only other option was crappy AT&T DSL at my address. I was excited to sign up, but then I read the fine print:
“Performance: Offer ends 3/31/13, and is limited to new residential customers. Not all services and features available in all areas. Limited to Performance Internet service to a single outlet. After first 6 months, monthly service charge goes to $44.99 for months 7-12. After 12 months, or if any service is cancelled or downgraded, regular charges apply. Comcast’s current monthly service charge for Performance ranges from $42.95 to $62.95, and may vary depending on your area and other Comcast services subscribed to, if any.”
So after 6 months, the price changes to $44.99 for the remainder of the year. Uh huh…my elementary school reading comprehension tells me what I’m reading ain’t what they’re advertising. I don’t think it comes as a surprise why they are on the list for the golden poo every year.
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